Nuhou, Volume II, Number 23, 14 ʻOkakopa 1873 — A New Market [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A New Market

And m one top f is. l'oiat l>iano!o, as our producers and mereli|iatis will sell fhr reaJy money aboufe $40,000 worth of gugar, hidee, nee, puhu fruite'&!)d «uudnes on board the Costa Rtca. And nnot!ier good t!ung will be mueh ieea in the Franeiseo murkeL This will 80und distnat fun to the rudely j(*>st!v\| in t!ielr of eomfortablv ivaelung their destiuatiou tuid joiuiug their frieud3, and \v!io probably lo6t their bag&a£e , but the ill wind has eertainly b!own gouie folks soaie goo4, who are readv to 4nlj iu. these hard tiwes thai Poiut Lhauolo a d—-1} §okxl market. SP* We i?sue and difctribute one thousand copiets of our enlitged it o2ers a TaīuaWe opjKntuuitv for i ī r w apeelul aoti«tf as ■ ; •."••••• -n. ! . Jt. . ~ .. .