Nuhou, Volume II, Number 22, 10 October 1873 — "P." [ARTICLE]

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Iu the Uaz'.iit ces:jyj to tl;c nativc Eiind of misveprcßcitatica ol" tLc trcutmc-ut tfce In<]iaus by t!ie paitcd S:ates (jovemiueut." We havc uot i-een ai3j LiisrcjjrcEentau-jijS «.e. tli f . subjoct, or P.rry attei|npt to eall into questiou t!.: fair dealiug of thc :Govcri:mc-r,t at Vrashingt.'!j with the aborigiccs Amei'ka. TLere uiaj have heen sucli convcrsation in thc street, l-ui \vl:ai a folly to eall attention to ii. since tbc ofHcious (and perhaps cjfScial) •• P." ieso read>-to J.. Lattle vfhen no is maUe, vre t!unk \ve m?.y as well give him soniething to £ght aooa:. Although the CoTcrumcnt eai:not be aceufed of any unfairr.ess in thcirceallagi with their •• nat:vē;' j-cojle: yot there is mueh to he san! a.')out \v!yte iain's iuhnmaiiiu" to rel man in Aineriea. ! "\Vlmt" have no: Mohawk-, recjuo(]s f Narrag;in=c:t-. I>clr.warc.- t SeminolcB, Sious, I|Jtes, Creeks, Cherokees, en; even against t!ieir Caueas!an bre:i:ro:; ? We-know that the|Cbcrckscs Wei- urivo:i fro:.i their beautiful se|it in the hill; of (,ieorgia ihrough the greed and intrigue cf spceulaiors ; aud thofe red people would eo: willingly have left their native lands for one hundrcdfjld theaiuoun: of eoin and " goods'' thcy were ohliged to acivpt. And think you Cooapooche, and the trcacherou£ij betrajed Oeeola would ever have wiliiugly surjrendered their homes in the Evcrg!ades ?* An J |have the Pawneee and Sioux lost iheir huU'alo |runs, and the children cf Wiuemueea tlieir trout j 6treame, through fair and mutualij aeeepiahle jnegotiaiion? Not ,so—not so. equatted witbout leavc on the lancs. Theu the trader eame with eheating eajolery; and when the eimple red map found himsclf rohhed, auū endeavoreU to as6ei;t his Indian law, then the atroug ai'in ol' Governmcnt was ohliged to iuterpoee iu order perhaps to savo inuoeeiu j'o.>pie. whoee lives were first put iu % K v opardy by t:;e u:i--j juet eueroaehments of tbeir own lcaders. j l>ut we need not go to Ameriea to look tbr iu j Btaocee 01 the rapaeity ef tradersaudaiveutarert ) briugiug diegmev upon t!ieir eountry, aud eaiimg jinto queetion amongusimple people the justiee j aud houorableness of the Uovernmeut. We havc ouly to īeeall to mind the ease ot the Auieūeau brig Metealfe s who iu eousetpcnee of the lose of u tuassaeie\l iu a iuost treaeherou« m.:uuer| eue huud|ix\l aud fiftccu lkwainuis_. nien. wom<iu aud chlldrci:. eu tle eoast i,ml r -'-r <listan; fieci the te\vu 0 t Wailuku. ; There uiay uot be auy niore murderous Meteaires m these dajs, bu; taere are mauy wūe thmk more of the produee tl,u; 0 f t:.e i<eiile 01 the eountry. and w!<o think tha: tke ines aud pui«uite of au alvrigiual |\.vp;e s!.a!! be reiulai by tbe uew iute«e;s that kne beeu iutruded I upou eheui, aud sueh tud au espvsitk ei thea f viewe ia the platitmje« cf -• 1\"