Nuhou, Volume II, Number 22, 10 October 1873 — Sociable Captains. [ARTICLE]
Sociable Captains.
The u*equcDcy of disaster to ecrtaio lincs of steamships us refleet upon the remarkable immunitj from ail aeeidentor loss of tbe loog <g~ tal>lisliec! Cimard Liue. Can it be luek that has prcscvved so wonderfully tbose uumeroiis fcbipt? } tliat have been plowing the Atlautic amid all changee of scason for about thirtj years? No other than that whieli is tlie result of most assiduous apd sleepless attention. We bave sailed With Capt, llarrii?on, and knew Capt. Judkins of that line, and we were disposed to eomplain of them in oommon with othere, that they were not eoeiahle men, *And thej werc not i aud the rest of the Cunard Captains were the eame ; all noted for a most unsoeiable devotion to their sliip. Thej were Ilko Jesuits or Trappists, dead or deaf to cverythlng but their duty to their ship and ilie intcrcsts of their Company. And we have slnce eoine to the conelusion that verj eoeiahle eaptains who 44 tarry long at the wine v are not safe eommanders A captain'e whele soul should be eoncentratcd in vigilai]ee for his ship ; and let pursers or other of3ieers attend to the eoeial ameuities to a€sbt pabH.ngers m leguiling the tedium oi a ?oyage. \\ e wouM not insure a ship eommau>led bj tippliug captain, ;