Nuhou, Volume II, Number 22, 10 October 1873 — "Arrogance and Knavery" [ARTICLE]

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"Arrogance and Knavery"

Are tcrms applieel by a writcr on lbe :i Kum QucstioD,,: to ihoee who advocate the <_listillatron of rum on thc flantatio!iB; and lie aske ii' Hawaii Ci in this age of advancement shall take a etep baekwardr' —backward oi' what. Of \vhat countrj \vould we ask? Since all cnli<shtened conntrics are engaged in tlie uistil3aiion cT aleohol; and America in particular is engaged in ■converting her corn into aleohol for the use of Europe. Therefore when anyone talks about tlie 44 knavery " of simply proposing inannf\icture of epir!ts as raore profitable than its importation ? it scems to us that there is not on!y a-rroganee/' but an absurd misapplication of the mēaning of wordt> in such talk. And we donfc see where the ; 4 knavery 1 ' applies escept in a Shakesperean sense as meaning a l'ool, whosc eap and bells would CYidently jQt tr,e ,; youiig man, ? * who utters his platitudes vn i; Youn«; MenV r. of thc Friend.