Nuhou, Volume II, Number 22, 10 October 1873 — Chili Pepper. [ARTICLE]

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Chili Pepper.

<;apsiouci, Cayenne 5 or Ouinea peppei* ls a proŪū2i of thegc iBlandB tliat migbfc be euitivated ?ery proißitabljibr exportatlon. It is extenslvelj plaiited througbout Mesieo and South Amenea and is an arfcicle of very general eoneumphon ; but is not esp6rted to an extenfc to adequatelj naeet tbe deinand abroad, Aeeording to our itmembrance and observatioii, the plant ro: 3ourish īn Amenea ae it does in thie Archipelago. Here it wiil in eome eituations beeome a little treē thāt will jproduee perhaps twenty pounds of pods. TheBe pode, and preferab]j the €hai-peppfere are quoted in tbe New York marSet at $28 per 100 lbs. And so, dedueting dūty an<J chargee, we might hope to nett on the artiete here eaj T 18 cte, per pound. If theplant 'hm a good soil and a good eltuation it will yield nnofmouslj, -lt ie a tolefablj sure plant to grow and eeeme to lnwe few, or no cnemies. Whj not some of jou who arealwajs es--Bajing eomcthing for the good of the countrj, trj a patch of half an acre? We would saj plant the rows at least six feet apart in good eoil. 1 Perhape ifc would nofc he desirable to bave a field ' ot ihie plant verj near # the house, as its pungent! [ualities wou!d sensiWj afiecfc jour tliroat- B < : s said that the cpneumption of eapeleum and iht' demand is gr<mtlj on the inerease, ihe painkil !♦'? manufaeturei 4 mufet eoneume arv s ;iantitj. |

2P Gēneral J. 0. Fremoot is reported a* m a htau at hle residenee on Poreupine MauU, j off tbe cO"ibt of He oneewas very uear :he Presideßej o( tbq Uuited States. The | C tbe " Pathfiudei waagreat i» 1555. But be ! .'WcJ \vbattver ot distmetion lie gainej in tlie ■ !> of bie career to his dietioguis)iej father-■n-Uw, CoL Benton ; and Bubecxjuent]y to 0 e in« ! *:a:i?ab!e devotion of hie heroie wiie Jose. 1