Nuhou, Volume II, Number 22, 10 October 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MISSING BOOK ! T?fF. 24tfi VOLIME OF Til V jmalMSm ANNI AJ. KLWVILK, rpresent <.wr.-:r ■ 112 tb: wK!e j b.y 1- r IL-: Missing Vc'UD,v. ! Apply at the 010 OFFICE *,F ti:E - AI'YEKTItEK " THE I Ol .\T tl \ I REDUCTION OF PRICE W 11 i 2. too Carried 03a if- ,&. FIRST-CLASS RESTAUR/. N ;■• s-rir r. kky i-ock r> A Pleasarr. Hwk fcr Latks ICS CREAK AIL TIME? ! Mil. iiYCKOi-T l vVj rvc.iv ! aDd C\c-.V:. j-i i rant in 1-sai Yrv.' ej :y Costa Ki.a. L '.Is «I lis toy-i-s i- :ty ::: ro aul#. iW, - }-'**• L. i ■ ,U -'rV l-K M »■«-»* r _• % ; : i • 1 . I- >1 -Sfc-'^*£Ml«'ilar> A&»asSatffll A. HERBERT, :, ; PROPRIETOR rpHIS has bee cme the most popular -; ± this city. It is the one, which recommends umost to the favorable consideration of strangers Everyone who arrives iijt Honolulu indulges; in aL expression cf surprise to End so large, to elegant;, and such a well appointed Hotel. It cost a good sum, but it is well worfh the monej. Tlie ckie: projectors and promoters of the building wen. blamed for having erected such an extravagantly large edifice ; but before a j-ear L-* expired since a was opened It is frequently found tc be too jEmaU u accommodate its throng gu^;s>—and the propi.;etor is about to erect fcuj- adjacent' c. aages tc nice; the demand upon his hospitality. . i The building is lighted witli gas. The Koom is a spacious noble hall* and can seat :1V peiK u at table. The parlor is famished very ana has a superior tonixl piano kr the entertain isent of guests. There i$ a Billiard pre vide.: with three Sthrale & Ct. % s patent cushion talks :.V0 :urnish<\: v:l: sji :ua: n vi;vC| w*»£ t**** bUii v.:*. iaXlilvUiiC* \Vi vii , Cvi'JL -,*■ Sii : - warm, and shower batbs attached, Travelers from all parijj cf the worM who are l.y* brought here iu comfort the cvifunovlieua steamships of Australian jine, s;\y uaaniuxuslj tha: there is no bouse cf public entertainment en ti; Pacific const. or in the itruish Colonies which su;I passes in point cf comfort and elegance tie new Thm are no extra £cf oixvejiuce c guests Wtween steamer ! and Hotel in ccmifig aiul no eitra charge for vt or ctoer extra sen ice