Nuhou, Volume II, Number 22, 10 ʻOkakopa 1873 — Visit of John C. Breckenridge [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Visit of John C. Breckenridge

To l J resideat Grant. The }ate \Ti5? Ffesident and rebei geuml called on the Pro6ideat at LoDg Brancb as a matter of personal They. were intimate friendB duriog tht Meme iu war, atid have uot iuet eluee theu. Mr, Breekenrldge was accompanied to the eottage hy Mr.-Hore, and Bpent a portion of the evening in very agreeal>le conversation. Senator Frelinghujsen and others dropped in. Tue President was very eordial with Mr. Breekenridge 1 and talked uver fcheir adventures in Mexieo, and espeeiallj the oeeasion when Grant \vas wounded. They eailed up very warmlj all their muiual old wemories; and wlien Breekenridge departed, he was pressed verj cordiallj hj the President to repeat.the visifc. There 18 just one jear's dififererenee in their ageB ; General Granfc heing two, and General Breekenridge Oftj-one years of age.