Nuhou, Volume II, Number 22, 10 ʻOkakopa 1873 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The bai'k Ciara F>.)rbcs l whio!i ;irrivcJ iioui Poi'HinU o:i TLie-J'iy cvening the 7th mst., brings lVitld!ui Bu< : i'ihi* of thc 17th and l;)th Se[>te.ahc'r, whieli ejnt-iin -m .i:coup.t ōf : the total wivck ol tlic 0**!« R}ri. San E\tANCisLv, V>. —X'jw» reached here ■it midnight fcijiU the hu-i(io M:iil' Compa£iy ? iS dteamer CoMa Rica ran .on th'e rocks at Point Diabolo, about three maiL f'ro:n Fort Point, onN •side, and was wre : eked. A'elenae prevailedafc the timē". She was runnnig blowly, bufc under a fuJl head of eteam 3 when, \vithou t any warning. sbe seruek with tremendous force, wronehing the timbers From 'steni' to ste.rpj and staving a greafc hole in the bows, through whieh the water ri:shed in torrent3. An inspection showed that the water waa pouring into the hold. After ;i time the veeyel'B head swung round toward the mouth of the Gate, and in this poeition she remained. Boate were lowered with all possible diBpatch, and the passengers passed over the # sideinto them. The firemen v stokers and others in the enginexoom alao gofc into a boat with the third offiCer, Mr. Fitzerald, and this boat brought newe of the diBaeter to the eity. Capt. Lapidgē 5 with the ārst offieer (SquireB) and the seeond offieer re-| maine(l on board, with moee of the crew, A pasBenger boat, in whieh was thc third oOScer, 23 of- t]ie erew and one passenger, was rowed aeross. the ehannel. As it drew near the shore a light j was observed. This proved to be the light on , Forfc Point. This gave Mr. Fitzeralil his position, and pulliQg eautiously alohg tltē ehore lie reaehed Meiggs-wharf about midnight and reported the mishap. Immediately on reeeipt of the intelligenee, Uapt. Waddell, Superintendent of the Company 3 ehartered the Rescue to proeeed to the steamer. The Reseue was taken around from Washington Hstreet wharf to the cdmpany'a doeks ; took on Bueh appliances as were needed, and at 1 o'eloek started with the tugs Goliah and Neptune for the eeene of the dißaster. One just returned the passenger savcd, and says the steamer has shifted her poBition, but lies a wek, tilted over. There is a dense fog this moming, but no eea/ It is the opinion of some that the vessel may be gOt off; others think it impossible. Quartermaster llarriB, who was brought to the city, sustained very serious ]njuries; At low tide there was feet of water in the hold. All the mails and treasure were safelj larided. !atest intelligenee from the steamer CoMa 'kiea this evening indicatea that the steamer will heeome a total wreek and t!mt but īittle or none of her eargo ean be savcd. The following is tīie lisfc of eahin passeagers booked at this port: 1 - Charles. $ordUoff, wiCe 4 ciū!Jrea aa.l servani, 11« A. P' Oarteu aml son, W. J. T. M, Lee, Mrs. S. €5. OiUei' Mis;s J. Lewers, M. !Sic\psbii, wile and S ch?Mrenj T. Smith, ,r;\! v<*W. H. B2ater, J. M. StUron, 11, l, > Moiuiyet\ Mfes E* T. Paty, E, WhUeomh, k. Loekman, T;\v!,n\ H, Olaek, T. Dole!n:ity, IJ. M. Borr >U£hs 000. Washiu:*- > jMarri >*i, N. .lohiC'J. If;\v\ ki r is. Mn*ter s"li'ill .t. *, ! - lUur. T. H nt.vraU, Ah- i\Vē share willi t!u- v\n;i:;un)ity an ansiety \n respeet to Mr. Lo >lennyer, and hope that the s:ioek of the disaster may not fr>ve nny deleterioi:s edeet t « eu;se a velap?e. Yr.:j.ow i ; K.vr :i\ Lki^iana. — l\ % rty deathsper y ar Slnvwp >s*t. Li., in of 40.000. a!;u;n \w\ 1 p!iy<iei.-:j< -v\A nur?o? a:'d i!;e e »-:ntry nppea!e 1 t » f>r re!ief. ! / !; — U/e wi' !e*t »• *:* v :> pve-! ■ —- *- - ! *

. " - #. vailed to-<iay in regard to the yellow fever, Trains leaving on the varioue roads wcre crowdel witli person3 ilceing from llie seourge. Admiral Pennoek had spent 17 days at Sitka, and held eonferences with t!:e ehiefs of the Stikive and Chililat Indians in order eo i]arraonlze their di3ercnccs. Hon. W. F. Tweecl and nieee have arrived at the t.>ccidental llotel Han Franeiseo. Capt. lloward of the Alasko has been fined $16,000 for lanciing in San Franciseo P>r>S Chincsc more than the law allows. L O Scpt. 10.—Gold in New York firm at 111 WooL—Advices froiu the East have stiBened thc loeal market. Transaction? āt 25* c-ts. delivered herc (Portland.) A hcavy tc corncr" in Cjilee,—advanee(l in New York to 22and 24 eente. The Voyage~ of tiie Polaris. —L)r. PeterBon who has publiehed a pamphlei at Gotha in relatiou to tho Aretic exploration uf this vesBel, saje ; ''the the expedition are superior toonything ever aecomplished by any. English, mueh better fcuan any German espeditio^ r Seeretary Kobeson has ordered the panaphlei to be traoslated for the Navy Department, and for publie informatioii ia Ameriea.