Nuhou, Volume II, Number 22, 10 ʻOkakopa 1873 — Improved Stock [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Improved Stock

Iā iauo!i nee<led ou t!itjse islanJj. X_oi.t , bcca a few iafortatlona|of latc jcaxs ofa Uuli v. two, anJ a few rauis cf brcoJ, but importatl.nis are iusijjui2caut iu vie\v . the r'equlretueub or the couutrs. ' We aeei a e. eMei iu hc;rsei. lus:eai of laa.-,. our prosent serub stoek,|\ve oujj'ut to havc eu;. fewcrof Suer auimals, | The !wrse uow ou t;.. islan U, i!iferior ;\< he 1 is, !s fast Jeteri:r.\;.._ Tho prese«t law iu vesj.vct to stalliot:s is u thnt none Wt very iuiperfect seru'.' eo'ts 0.-.e sircs of the new horse stock of the couatr\ gorcrument like this. tpt l;as sj little to .; owg!»t to stimulatc iu cvery \vay ihe iuij.v of TalttsMc stock. It mig:it j>?riiafs te»kc j\art i« suc!i imivr|atiou. What th;uk woutJ H 1 thc cScct of B|[cuvUug Sve t!iousauJ ". hw'on t!ie iiajv>rtation a suj>crior eatire of a ehoiee bull \vith Gue fattcuiug iviuis. . . sise>l jack, aud cf. a few purc brcci In bvo yc?.rs tiaie the iuiprj\eu;eu: t!:e cou. 'U' might be fiCtv t!>ouK\ua vlol!ai-s a vear ia eou.v qucncc of such iraivrtatie:i. I: wouli w/.l ; givo t.> nativc st >cs thc t>e:ie!it oi" s-.;ch an u.-.-tatic;;- . ; 4 ;; "i "*