Nuhou, Volume II, Number 21, 7 October 1873 — No Petty Exactions [ARTICLE]

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No Petty Exactions

Suoald be permitted for one moment to affeet the eharacter of this Port ibr ireedom aud libemlitj, The esaetiorv referred to bj tae' 'AducriLstr of iasfc Saturdayj of ehargxng at the Custom House ior imaginary eoinmieaiona, is jost of that charaeter to exasperate people doing buBines3, andnoue thc less so, be«iuse the ampunts so eharged may be ineuußiderable, We remember thafc \ve were eharged a pereeutage for commissions 041 an invoice, Whieh we had purchased ourselve3, and we were:Charged for the value of tue service of the agent, whieh we were 6upposed to have emplojed. Sueh ehaving may indieate fidclitj % in a eoiiector of revenue; but it indicates anything but good eense or Ptatesmanship ln a government that permits it. i Lefc the approaehes to. us and our ehanuel* of commerce } be as opeu and aa free as poasible, aud we will gain ali wiseand beneficent meichants far more bj a liberai mauagement of bueineee than by a eloee, mean, esacting policj. And in eonnection with this subject of free and liberal lnteĒeourse in business; relations with our Port» we wouid eay repeal all restrictione that maj aflect it io any waj, and especially our passport law. The name of ia now odious ia a iree eountry. And the busiae«s mexi of fcbe eountry ehould ohsem that prudenee aad pacautlou in respect to the exten!»ion of credit, that thej wiliuotoeed auy governmental restrains ou the Überty of movemeut in order to eeeure them ia their veatures* with probably trausient aojouruers. Tbe eomiqg and going to aud from theee ieland«i «hould be of the &eest character % aud thit» Port should *>e espeeially excmpt from putt? exactiouB. , .

Ma(l iv 'Tlio biis -fT, wbicb &mved fcw &ijs £rv>ai with coal«», ts unJcr cliurter to retura with anvl will «all in fi?w vlayā, auJ tako $ maiL