Nuhou, Volume II, Number 20, 3 October 1873 — Native Virtue [ARTICLE]

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Native Virtue

is a Biibjeci t-o gpokcn or, as thougb it \vcxc somctbiDg that ditl not and eould not cxist; aud jet, ae hard thmgsjiave beeja said of Corinthians, ai ean be said of Ilawaiiaui. Iluiaan llcsli is not naturallj any weakei- hcre, than undcr eimilai' latitudeB and conditions • and as \ve find ehastitj 80 guarded and presenei} hj Sumatran woiueu iv the tropicts that thcj are ready to use a deadlj kriēe to reecnt anj attempt at personal insult; a may Ilawaiian women |je trained to appieeiak pewonal honor. The superatitions o£ the past, and the aseociatious of thcir liomee are terrible, ibac wLen the lla iraīiau girl lias been reited u|: |&ee U'oiu taint amung a few blesfi!ed rctrcats \u jha\e, s;ie is eueeopUMp oi aequiriug ali thc j modesti- aud dclicacj of her \vhiter sistcr, Wiieu ,sucli are eo trained aud kept apart, their irrcatest aangov ariees when outske 01 tūeir retreat, not po mneh from their ola iixipure home, as firom l«ane lurkmg white intriguer and eorrupter |41ae! <ortheineīi wlw l}ave lost all atav of deoei)CY* Who lie iu vruit, and covcnoLnt \vith miifor the destruetiou pf tbe Lwt liopea of mwau. Alae. for the gray haiie that importunc anpuwlv. We would cut Uiem off. We woukl cut ofi Uie men—tliough thej ma* havc • • hcuor '' liiUe Ilawaiiau S thn>, inight bc liappy mothcre to sa\e tliis