Nuhou, Volume II, Number 20, 3 October 1873 — "D-Poetry." [ARTICLE]

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» ihu'- \xhut a 1 0:1-; >ai;i tL, o:h-L-r ( ; nr«d thoi*oh'i !ie *howed ?■ imsc!f" on Indlvidiuil of vio\v, ;\rul not n great 'HibIriess inaii.. f l.rue pootry —ihat is? p. Wiirm nnel vlow ot* the hig!icr nhnt? of all j;airsui t, isjast niiat will r.vakc a grcat inercliai\w Men Ciin l>e imllionaiie 5 ?» anil hr:ve an ardcnt $oi:I ibr a puctlc iu.?lglit into naturc, Not on)y the profe. c ?ed poet; rmt the great mereantlle Bariiige, Gladstonee, Ononelle, Lawi'enee!?, Aspinwalle, BelmontB,and a hoBt of others who have counted gold by tons, have become alive to the exereisc of their own individual tastes in every expres6ion of art. It is just \vhat eome of jou want is a little more poctry ; whieh iF you liad, you would not be the eommonplaee, divided, purposeleps, unenterprising' lot that you are. You who eannot move a pg, \vithout being eure of your per eent are the mere hueieters of eornmefee.