Nuhou, Volume II, Number 20, 3 October 1873 — Our Lahaina Packet. [ARTICLE]

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Our Lahaina Packet.

The iavorite Netlie wae ofi* ilie harbor long fce- J lore (lawn; and g!ided into port carlj dajlightj likē a new born yaehfc, \vbosc bu£iness it is io % i on ithe wiogs of the wind. And when joa have| a Gaptain Hke Crane, with favoriDg hree2es, thcn a cruise in our ehannel in thie paeket fcctween the First and tue bti-ODd citj i* a joy forevcr toeuxne; and when it is ovcr to ot]iers. With thcsc tradc breezee. tlie good Ncttk Mcrrilk inakee gocd tiiiie and deliglitfal trips.