Nuhou, Volume II, Number 20, 3 ʻOkakopa 1873 — No Favoritism [ARTICLE]
No Favoritism
L*j puf ]ic officc. One who is pald out of thc iVcasury of the country to ; fuWll any publicfufic-•-■.n doee a wrongs—nay,5 —nay, perpetrates a gro66 rcach of trust when he avails himeell of t=he t rlvilego of his positioi), or duty, to 6ecure some eolal advantage for a friend with whom he .;y uivide the emolumeni of the traneacfcion. 'V will espose any such malfeāsance m ofiice, practiced by <i Ministerj a Governoi\ a • a Sheriil', a Collector. or a Piloi.