Nuhou, Volume II, Number 20, 3 October 1873 — The Workingman's Wage [ARTICLE]

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The Workingman's Wage

iiboul4 be 'paiel ovciy batarday aftemoun, lle who has m bank accouiit cauuofc waifclotig porlods Tor \m stipeiad. ¥ou wboso ealary among tl|c thousands, ean wait cotivcniently to thecudof tfie quarfccr; because if jou are sliort ? jou will uot iall of au accomuaodation on easy teruiS. Jsut let ihe workiogmau lie * ® <lcad-brotc i * % aud luwe uot wherewitli to*pioeuu the proveuder for tl\e Suu-" uay % s eolaee, and 1e \n ill have togiveper!mps, (as we kuow lie does 6ometlries) a I\alf a dollar for one dollaf'i3 use lor a lifctle iiiue, Therefore, wiUihoM uot good " (or wages) u ā:oiu tßem to whom it ib due, wheu it is iu the powei olMhiue haud to do it/' Th-U it is to say, whenyouliave drawn the ino«ej" out ef the Trea?urJ f paj pr to your the wigc ihej liave earued; anlthu< >hall y--1 - voursoul iu peaee