Nuhou, Volume II, Number 19, 30 September 1873 — IMMIGRATION [ARTICLE]
iMu-ii not be forgotten,'althōugh. In the present v\eak am! declining condition of the counti , y 5 we tipparently cannot undertake any enterprise to get people ox anything e!se. But \ve mav prospects and chances, and talk of plans. The great Ma!ay Archipelago is going to aflord us a ehanee to recuperate our native race hy atid by. v Those teeming islands ean affhrd us a little of their surplus of people,on as good ierms as Ohina and Japan,or perhaps hetter. We /iimi get more people, and it is not neee?sary that we 'na<d do many things that \ve r:ow expend otir force upon. Thc natiye race will of course oppose being coinpeted with or overrun hy merely laborers and tradcrs ii'om other lands; but they will certainly be willing to receive a kindred peonle, that will give them heipe of continuanee of naīiona! life, There has not been a single efk*ri made 10 secure pōpnlation to sh'engthen. the kin<nlom. What has been,accomplished rommissioners of the Board of īmmigraiion might have heen accomplished, and may ao.iin be done tlir(High the correspondence of any meKaiUile firm in town \vithout spend;iug a dollar upon an envoy. But if you vvaut va 1 uahle settk rs tp add to the growth <•4 the c.ountry you must send yonr well ini onned zea 1 ou s C ommissioner of E migra tion ? eveh as great and fertile America does. in order to attract tn her laiuls the people she ; wants. . lt is quite Jikely as u recent wnter says. rhac a Vermont farmer woukl not give one hundred dollars for the whole of the Wailu\Mlley : t tiiere t\rv larmers from other of America w!so woukl he g!ad to get d \ il!ey jor one liun3red thousand dollars, •<nti u all parts of thr \vorld are a disgust to -ome and a delight to others, We do not ihink that a prosperous Javan cōming from fertileand well-watered island tempted to stay here But we know of peopfe o!) Nias, Lingen, and other small and populōus islaiids, who \vould be glad of the areafer political security we afford ; and who %\*ould be giad to get a pieee of mountain ravine, 0r even rocky heaeh land as a hoinestead : and out of whieh they \yould ny toil aml paiieiKH 1 . suc!i as they exercise a tivlng from plants m; r, W utiknown to us, Some sa v this country has no backb(n{o : "** * # i!int it ha.< t\oī a jiartiole of ?arpUts meau? for :niy objecī ho\\ovci; im|>ovtaat in the l'nnii'e, s!iat .!(>('- nof l'i'inLi au immediate rotuni. Tlui! houx'ver inueh \ve mav ulkhU Mot<-!.'Par!iununu Ho«se, or Barracks, yet .i»tt: a! 1. ihey are Mimethiug to show !or thc li.oiun- spent oii thcm; b«t a ventmv in the way of itmnigvatu'u for the sake <>t populatiou wtuuot he uiultKaken by the treasury of tlii? piHu i'oui]trv. lK?cattse theiv will !h> uo -iiow iii unm<'i!i:it! retuni. !t yoti sciu! • ii<irs<• v iihma.L i:"!-' !>■" i> ,r wlio-e
pa?f?ages will be paid ly planterc» tieeding labori Yet this eountry had backbo»e enough to throw away about $30,000 a!together after a reciprocity treatv, and is \villing to thro\v a gbod deal more in the sanie direction; and it has backbone enougii to spend several hundreds oT of dol!ars upon an arnf»y of officia!s, som;- of whom are mere mrufkitn a //(<"/• on id*:Ct 0? \ ({?/ ? ,s•■*(>!}tnd ' tj> sftO( r Joī' *t ■„* and surelv such m country might wake up, and arouse iiself, and shake ofl* the " old man of the sea, M that sits solidly squat on its shoulders and is breaking its haek, and assert and straig!iten ■ up, and prove that it iha? : euough of backboue td make a venture : i:i a diflfcetkm \vlti<-!i the life ;im! hope of its iv)(lepen(lence,