Nuhou, Volume II, Number 19, 30 Kepakemapa 1873 — A King in a Police Court. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A King in a Police Court.

We noticc a King on Lis travelfl in Europe, who is BOt quite eo inueh noticed bj the puLiie as the Shah of Pereia, It is Orclie 1., tbe King of Araueania, the onlj Ainerican King; and neighbor to his royal imperial brother of BaziL Ile went to Europe like the. Shah to contract for thc bet-ter ūtilization'of hie dominione. But he Lae not happily found his Baron Reutcr; but rather hae proved to be himeelf a barren routier; he and - hiB Prime Blinister were brought up before the Poliee €orrectionelle of Parie, and vrerc eeverely fined for a £windle in regard to eome eeheme of a eale of a Pearl llarbor, or other eort of bargain or privilege, not state4, in Araucania. II ie eaid that Reuter wants to back oat too* but it veou!d be no use 6ueing thc Shah for what he has poeketed; as the Peieians niake a mueh more respectable politieal figure īn Europe than the Amneaniane; though not| by any meane eo morally respectable ae those South American Indiang. And v?c arc afraid that if a llawaiian cnvoy \vent to Europc now to ncgotiate a loan for a cfovern|ment that had been ,trod upon by twentj-thxee | |mutmeer# 9 and that had crawled, and begged t j ( and eaten of dirt a belljful, would be arrcsted at, onee a s\vindlcr, DonlJ vou belicve it ? I i - t • * ?-■■■

£2*° Thc KHauūi loft ort yestcrda}' aftaiwōa on fccr trip to 11110. HP lt i8 avrful to thmkof forfciting tlie proteotion " of thc hcroce of ithc Towcr of Earrai. . —4 QT lle will lilow "ou you <sute—xku k a ocrtaiu cditor will, if jou *ptc ;uijthiug for bi* |«pcr—and hope to keep ajum.