Nuhou, Volume II, Number 19, 30 September 1873 — A Good Spec', [ARTICLE]
A Good Spec',
' ;&port & Jack apd raiße niulee, We have a xnany, but nōne of the ?igbt 6ort, A good oimal, fifteen hāndB hlg!} ; \vould pro?ea treaeure ■ c«r plantation« in'the,fāture. jĒjīr FollowiDg i* the programmo of luueie at a Hotel grounds hy the Hawaiian military ' nd for Thuredaj evenalg Dest 3 eommeDeiDg at ghtaiclock: i'ARTI, - iersdorf March ....... Faust v"rturo s Opera, ltaliana in Algi*;ri, (oew) .E.oeeīm >;rong Faiih and Pefect L0vc..............»»>..Glprer > it*icr's SoDgs, Wā1iH.;.............., ,GaogH ;part n. *>c Ragein .. ............RmglcbtQ quiem, (nen).............. v................... .ShilUng - ';cctfcn, Opcra,Fra Piai'olo, Aubeo - rrrīeoii Balī, P01ka..... t ....................... o^'! We notioo M Stjroug Faitli and Perleet Love . :hc Programme whieh delighteJ every hbUuLr ■jd a former oeeaekm, Come, you arc quite weleme, eTen if jou hate not eontributed a quarter * yf a Hot« ] eoneert. i |3P Wh A i-> tk diflbrenee betweea boras acd ' arras ?" The one h a goodwaah for our beaJ; 4 the other BhoweJ that o.:r J-eaJ t U EOt tc waeh