Nuhou, Volume II, Number 19, 30 September 1873 — Sarawak [ARTICLE]
l'iii.- «ouutvj i> [>vogre6sing u-ry iai>Wly uuder' tlie sway o'F its English l!ajali. The tradefor t!ie pa.-t year. t<_. judge from t!ie constant trafficniaintaiucd. betwcen Singaj)ore ain! Sarawak by mer-; chant \esscis, uiust I>e ;api.!ly uugtuentiug, but j we regret tliafc yn t!iis as \ve!l as most other points I coucected wītii the progre?s ol' S a ra\vak \\e do not | pos?oss any aut!ientic statistics. 'l'iie b'ultau of' Brunē is understood to !iavc pliiccd aconsidcrablej portion of !iis territory, !ving imuiediate!v to Uie 1 i»<>rtli of Sara\vak, under the governuient of Sir ; •laincs Brooke. The change uf rulcrs.\ve doulit will prove ltigh!y beneficia! to tlie iuhahi-! tants, as in times pnst thev \vciv periodically! liara?sed by Pangerans IVotn 15rime, \vh,. plun- j dered the communities on tho diocrent rivers'
without mcvcy \vherever t!iev were foaiut too | weik tooBer eftectua! res>istunce. CousiJerable' •i Fogrere has heen jnad,- m th'e nrehminafyfli-.era-; j tīonss lor working v;ihmble eoul seants on! i the S;ntong river and !iell>re t!ie eiul o'' tliis v,';tr j ! vvc believe tbese eoals wīll be available ll>r steam! purposes. ln connection with !sanuvak, we may| notiee that Hcr MajestjV (.;ovenmient lia- at last ! iuade public the refult el' the Enqu!rv whieh it ! thought freper to institute i'u theyeai* 18'4 iutoj the charges so {ier.<everingly urged agaiu!>t Str ! | Jame? Brqoke in eertain ( t uuvtei\< The isfue ha? 1 i beeu what we all alouganticij>ateJ- tliecoui|>lete | justifieation Siv «īaim* Brooke rvom theealumj nies heaj)C\l upon him,-/V,■ Pr <<, j 'l'iie abovc if elippeil lVoui uti oKI > nud I just eome to oui' luuul, wUieh wc j'i'ii't beeanse it I voealli> to our niiiu! a eountry tliat onee eaiue uih!cv jour ohH'rvation, aml wliieli isa ui".<t interesting j tropical ntate umlcr t|!uroj\'aii Uirectiou. ltere , we see that a uephew : has iu!ievite.l the fovtunc j alul piinci{xility .•!' t|ic adveatui»us uuele Sit j-,lamej. (Wc vvcre tu>tj .»•,> lbrtunatc us to mkwwl o;:r a lventurous une!e.j! Thc territory Sivt v\\Usl t. t!;c Krs!i?!i f>rtv mi!e- N,ua>v on I
tho northcrn coast of $orneo, (J U it tV āa-i area thnt we bargainrd for on the rīort!ica-* of Sumatra.) The British Governiiient - * Brooke in his po=iition at Sarawak when the I! " trie<l to ovM !ji;ii'. (And Amerīca dld r ' Bu«tain us in our ?-tatiooor.s tbe Jambee.) Br>Vk got tlie help of two war steamers. obvlous!y r fight pirates, hut walW help keep hiai grosi:r J against tbc T)utch. (Ttie Amenean Marj\ eame to help us } but hei) comr:rtnder A. ruder -was so overcome |by t!se - Ihe Dutch Go?ernor G v enerā] ? an<l feBtivitie* a:.* dances at Buitenzong dear to the nmn? heai; that he allowed tbe Arrierlcan adverituver 5 anJ hl* §ettlement in Sumatra io be wour,d up wlth i- ' tape, and pas? away j!nto a pigeon-hu!e of tV State Dcpartment at w|ishington.} The Knglisb adventu'rer ker>t !iir * - cause hi>? watcliful c<nu)try backcd l»Im up l\ was not a filibuster in liomeo, uor w;t* the Auv:i iean one in Bumatra ; but botli w<>re <.»p«co hai- !- : and honr»rab!e negotiat|or?, &al!īog in the;r ov. ships ? without freight o'r oti boaid. h-.iio. gaged onagcnerou?ftdve'ntur«.\ whieh thcj th*.ug' * would suppleuient thee)iterpii-v uf tueir e-.>uots: • in thoae sea-. and glve (u them ju«t and h. able fame. ! Ilol!and interleved oi) i 4 co«>nnt of hei jea.loo>> 0f encroachuicnt, aml' not yii accourt ef ii>". i'igbt of sovereignty. piooko cciiiijuci'eJ ana v.. lu'e j.inucipalitj, wliieh is a trcasure or eon! a; other iuaterial to Cri|tit!i naval jx>wer iu t! Eaet; !>ut (libsoū failc<i and ha-.I t > ovc liis hopcs iu a Uungeo»!— !>ut, sk>p,--fi\ikd!—n, not Tet,—fōr Brookc tĪ€ad, aekl lie lives 'i' still alt ablaze iu his willi arC!or iind but not the iioj>e to līnine! eolonie? in tlic trop:o.- 1 forests of lndian isles, !mt to impart a lioe"? life to a declining ract-. aud vet to '.riog Suan,i:. and Hawaia toget!)er, aiu! blen<! their aneie:: founts of kindml b!ood int- aew and tnduūi _ race. And a? Sir J.\uief was !'u!!j ju«tiS.. against al! puhlie ca!umnj bcE>ic !iīs gaHai " gray hairs were !aid;in tbe'gtave, .-o d-.e? American advcnturcr.' who has!..?t no fait!; ■ hope. dnring al! |»is long cxi!c, w!un fee.!iu£ īi'wenrv wul witl» t!ie h!eat or !ii> «heep, fco! euretl that thc brave and tlic generous ..f i».. will viDdicate liim from any imputatk'ii •.■! wiv; _ to hia fellow īuaii in !ii« Tavie..! and t.;t(cv-t;i , glep during !ifc. !