Nuhou, Volume II, Number 18, 26 September 1873 — "Dangerous," [ARTICLE]

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}s a \vorvi ;recly uscd hy quiet n.;ii-c-L;-i,i"ttal poople with ihj ■ opmione of t**cir owii. in •s*)' , cak~ ing vf t!io.-<. who have Njme initiat>ve. f.iue h>sertion, ai>l eome inuepenaenee. AIl r oi" urigiiiality anu activitv is rega'rdo«l by t!;.j jīvthing as But uctivity i- n,ver v dangercu* ae stagnation. Thc miaeiii.- < f 4er.J peol? bas deetroyed a thoiuand f-id 11* 2 e t!ian tl>e \iolenccof torrentf. A torrenr ?.a> a head thnt ean be !e<i to varioue heiieHeen lev* l<. whcreae 0 pond oi|j]y a bottoi:i iaat ie t!:e re-eppUK-le oi elime ?xd garhage. And <.ui »?iutile |appliee wvll to politice —to the eo-called |gerous "or eafe policy in government. We j havc iiad ample i 11uetra11 vQ 01 tlie iatter 01 late \Vc have hau p minieter contentedJy taki ing tea whilst a dangeroue mutiny wae threatening tbe peaee and icjdependence of thecuuntry. We have eeen tbe eaie po!icy drink deep of co:itempt, and eat largelj of humble pie 4 and i;t Jaet to e,ive ite mieerable eslstence eompouno with mnt:neevs ra not only granting immutiny for wvong doing,but in"J 6anctioniug ti?e plunder of the law obeervere bv the law lreakere. And thue when weakneee fo:iu)vee at eiime» we may well conclude that the truly dangcroue man in a j government ie one w!io is without or |idei>\ aiiw a•• eaie niau to uo nothh]g.