Nuhou, Volume II, Number 18, 26 Kepakemapa 1873 — Correspondence. [ARTICLE]
ilK.EDn.oii :—-Thcmistoclc3 the Atiiciiinn. hein»! •' o ( desircd at a feast to eoueli a iute, £aid, iJ he eoukl not hddle hut jet he could make u eaiail town a great eitj,"* and Lord Baeon in noting this ing, remarks, <f that this words (holpen a tittle with metaphor) may exprees two difleriDg ahiliiies in those that dcal in the business ol'states 5 for there inay be found a great many that ean fiddie eaniiingly, but yet are a< far from being ahle to make a emall *tatc great their giit Ueth the otlier way; to bring a fiourishing state to īuin and d^cay.** These word?> are not inappiieabie s as tuuching the governing abiiities of those who are at the head ,of in thi&? country at the present time. The negative poiicy they have pursued alnee they look officc ? and the evenU of tho past few weeks iuu§t have eouviueed v.>ne f who' has given tiie.Bubject.mueh' thought. that the u forte " of the present Ministry ile- iu - tiddiing," and not in ampiifying or inereasiug the powei: uf the state ; that they are iamentably defieient in energy, judgmcnt and determiaatlon is too apparent to be denied, and that they are a!together unequal to the task' of meeting any politieal cmergeney— even though ie be. of no greater magnitude than the aippressicn of a " petty miiitary emeule " —has been proved t>eyond jali questiou by reeent evenh, In eoiumon with many, l have hoped that aiter sueh ,proo!s ol their weakness and ineapaeity, that the Minietry "in Joro Lon.iekniin \vouid ,themselves have seen thcir unlitnesB for o3k\s and tiiat after *ueh an adverse judgment luul been' passed upon them by that i>ortion of Uiepre&?,] wliieii represenU nine tenths of the publie ieeling' uf thc eouiitry, that they woukl long ere thisj iuive loobed the' helm of the ship vl state, wlueh by their iucapaeity ims heeu brought Jaiuougst the breakeivs aud have Hiiietly retired to iheir ofHees : and <K>unter>. tSueh a timely reftiguation woukl. have largely i\toncd to mi" iudulgent people for the miselnef they have inflietcd upon the eouutry duriug thetr brief temue of ook\% for the!v ts little douht —apart from t!ie feeling of dl?trust eu-. gendered agaīnst the {oreigner> in the mtud of tho natives ; by the pt v oposel eessiou of Pearl' River, aml wlueli liowovei" iu a eom- j moreial point of vle\v wlll ahv;iys beiooked upou •by thcm as a po!itieal ekime. I saj, thw tlo tuit t'i:U tln' the Mi'ujtvv kn-,'' /
brought upon the Iaw t the pusilanirir>u= oo;:n'5-?*:-that have prcvailed; the wretchci imhecH;rj has characterl2ed the whole of t!ieir dur!ng th-. 1 late revolt of! the trojps: wHI bitter frult, Ijt it has ekablislied a precedent f.i irresponsib!e law!ec~ness! t!iat wi!! probab!y be eiaced froia tbe xnipd.- of the natives. •* V , there bc fuel pivpu:ed, it L- hard to teīl wher.; "the spark b!iull ooiue tbat f-hnll sot it on Sro ! When (juarrels and -4ise ( urd- ure carrīed ■ '»:i and audaciou?!y. it a sign the reverencr* nf I' e'mment is lost. 7'..!|!."!!? But it appeai; liigh minle i g?Dt' men do not think so,'ur that they are n;>t iv - mindful of the ui'nun nou <3iyn\taf of the: positioiiS, nur īnsen?iblej t r » the ehīnk ->f per annum ; not even popular opinion wi" in !ur ! theiu tu let go, nnr tht| dirt they have eaten the liands' of thc ; iurn their ~ against the swccts of : if is si* :t i:" time that the people speak wlth an unmlst.ike. voiee? Away wita tl{eiu' Mcn< - upharsin ! Afjitate ' A fjilaU ' Afjitate * must '! rthe cry, until these 44 ijespectaMe and e?tima f citizens " will consent to refire, nnd ocenpy agai those positions where t!ielr wort!i is appTr-cīate J and acknuwlcdged; an(l frora whieh !i?to bc hoped, tliey never agaln emerge. | I think sir! you hape effec-tually disrosed . ; | the o'overnmental ;; Ht|nchnian "on Ins a * jto the Minist<jr>. Doubtless h*> ir headednes> " javes hlijn—still one wou! 1 ?u;t thought it would havc aetod a eautiort t » h"r.!. but here he is again thi|s woek ; playirig il loon " on the ;t Duties of Aliens/* and iu v s ;nt.; ' on " Rosinante " is>oin£ fuU tilt to fcteh u~ against another windmUh Timeand sri<ce w;~"~ permit me in tliis ; but probably nest week ® shall break a kme, 1 myt-elf, wlth t?ns i'O'huMa*" Tvnight upon tli»- Iu- I-as mootc l ' ' whieh is intended to ste|p free dlseuss?on a1 ?.:. vcnt \ \|'eak uuMablv wh\.l\ - fstration. | But sir. what a he luake.- of it 1 II • piteously he whiiiK-s tor;quarter for lu> vaV.- A uI>;; ; Knights, and us >vait yet a little whlle ordor that we, f.n>oothj maywhāt pi'o ugfea*s of £tatesmanship! thcso w'' h>crform in our Legislail\e halls. lle must l»e in scorn—to! what they have alre; achiovcd, to the !ugli ehaiavter of the Gbve: mcnt—to our crcdit abroad—good * at this prescnt time there aro none p.»;r to do us reverenco," ond 1 will supp'eiue: $hakcspeare by addini—or s that wIU te:\d , • dime in. our present erltie.'l and ui>o.-y stare. Wi\[ the story of the " petty ! cmeute - incrcase our dignity ».r ;tdvanee j credtt? WiU the of a povtion ofTer;l: ? as a aeeounted a !eat - f 5t,.;.. ! manship** or will awai\ta uk\ A -• . miration on tnarb]o tf> those v?ho ' thc nation % ? birthr»3h.t for ai; nies< I ,Lar be lt froiu me to wHuhoUl wlul > iu., I thc present adiaiulsU\\tion. I Uuu \uth -~4 v H j of; reUef to souie of thdv aetue\ciueut- X I fiitry thelr *emoes iiv V l - I anu i* dlsbai\d Utci^sel\ es; I et>s<ive thc:xi 5. I thc publie wojrks inau£urated V~ t*;eI prcdceessors t te •' turn up» %% av>d ; k I reguUulty \vlth whleh they have di\w*u t v .c.; j arjcs, my cyes beioll iew> at t!ic oov\c; % i our &treeU* aud t!uu they ate " t;ve me.ī " s t deueed by the faet of t!uni i.> tao . oifa \\ita o;k % hand, .y*vl the
■J tbe State vplth the other, ī look w!th omotion r :v ihe comiDg of thc mīllenlum acd reciprocity r rn Wa«hington; nnd 1 picturc rDyseīf 3lawaiian territorj with a portion of the ]Ie 6i the Ga~elic itaye that 4t the countrj does jt poBsess the material to construct a new Cabieverj six months." ] venture to say • that -bort as we arc of Bismarks and Gladstones that' - - ean put in a new Cal>inet every sis weeks that •o?J3 posse6B as mueh brains If nothrass ; "" > and ■ •.mmand as mueh respect as is the portion of the i>:ing*Cabii>et and my tajing this does-BOt deone jot from the abilities thej possess. • fc Half a dozen disafiected ..politicians. is the vv(.y on whieh the henehman dispo.<cs of . the uEiversal feeling of discontent now prevalent, ( Why-82r! The whole country is sad, sick, and jisappointed and if rulers will dlsregard thcsigns of the timeSj because there has been no actual : 'ol' nee committed: they will find a bombshell r.Jer their some day. that< will make them ; ray for fair weather." ] ■>' eaunoi com\iude betttT ihan vy CjramtTiuing - » ihe considcration of >iinisters the following rtrac: from perha'jrs rhe grectrs: ~C roliticrJ r-' v: l A scphers... • • • . I • l)Isc-pntcntmente are iu :.he poiiue lW.y. like ir.: the r.atura], whieh'a-ve r.p: :o gather , 1 reie"natūral heat and to iniame. Neithcr let Fri-i3ce or he seeuiv discontcnt- , y-:rAB bccause they Lave been often ? or have been .)aml yet no perih hath ensued i ibr as itJs :i:at evtry vapor or fame doth not turn into s:<.rin 3 so it ie nevertheless trueVthat storms 5 v ugh they blow over divers times, yet will fall •r" lastand as the Bpanish proverb noteth well 5 ■ The cord breaketh at the last by the weakest , ui]." * Vox Pofvli.
—The Eacd wil3 pky In Squarel -«'-morro\v afterDc>6n at 5 o-eloek r. m . Follovg- j "r;g ie the progrārDine : : ! 1 *<vr \y ............Btrau«s • 'rtare—OperaEallae^u..... —,' .Hcrtcl ~vatiea—Opera. L;nda... ...,Don)>etts i \«ebeard Quadri11e........................... .'.OCfenbach r .- c ']—Opera H ? 0t5.................. ,Meyerbeer x pjeasure~PolKa k . «i. ' -ie Refectioii iw thc Sfuare to-moitovvcvcning - • £ne oompoeitione, cspeclally that Lou Huguenots. The mueie of Meyerbeer blendi? tender and th in niee proportloce B promenade eoncert of jeeterday evening ai | - liotel was unustially gratifying f The eveniog .ias*oealm; and bland,and with glimpsesofaj '.t;rlng new'mpen the eoiree began. How eweet-! y :Le fioo pa§eageß of the overture'in Nebucodo*cr wcre rcndered ; how elear and efiectivc the ;r-.: ;mm in the Puhiohe Olloli ■ the mārvel--1 variety of melody mā meaeuie i» PigaroV v 4 v. ;vu!? rolo was produced \vith morc than the, usual efieettvenees; the tender and ex--tc rendering of* kt Home, Sweet llome 4 " :utolded new, straiL* of tenderneee in t!u>t $on«» - © i' eonge s in awakenmg memoviee of bLlo\ed ta••erland and domcstk\ ondcarment; and the ■..» icdioue, undulating h rmoniee of the 4 Ueui- : il Klue T>anube " wo k i lovely wJUrb to .} e: gractful mea<?ure, we thanked' Prbvidencc - merc!< p, that we could t?i: haj:y ii) our vine ba)gony'. wi:h ple«*ant , ;:nd lieten f o Fvich n
Tl Ni i* r w''l ~*!y i < v k lr;. . I • 1