Nuhou, Volume II, Number 18, 26 Kepakemapa 1873 — A Golden Spider [ARTICLE]
A Golden Spider
l> ouv Kiūg : mt the Kitig of £overelguty h«>noi\but of the poeket nml polie? of tlie eoun'-* try. The threads of hls weh enmesl? plankiilone; patche>, and po!itīcal pawer The poor flies of industfy and tmde ;uv ever eaught in the toīls of tbis auriferous spalor. lle sueks iu t!ielr pnre |old and depreeiated sitvet% aod he gather?i in a h>ng toU of taro fVom a !iost o! natīve ;\nd v>\V' />'J t?us kwlui yt'e; 'f the
i spider wc would have nothing t«» d->, beeuuse the■ I law ia;fbr thc spidcr as well as thc flv, if it wcre: ! not that tie goēs outside of his niitural to | feed on official spoil, and to gorge un pul>lic go!d. - ! Now the fat of the Treasury is not needecl by ■ ! thls b!oated spider, wliieh fat is the honey of !ife |of the Hawaiian bee: and as we are a bnsy buzzer that be!ongs tu thc Ilawaiian hiv we will eail into the covetoue cob-we''), and breali ineshef», <»r we \vi!l be n badly burste«r bumble bee. ; [f to pawn i.s tiie path to power,and tubh;ivea brothers eavings is the true way to bave the countrv, then truly the golden spider ought to be King, But if it be more blessed to give than to| receive,_ if the life of a people be worth morc than that of a financicr, and be csteemcd ° | better than c,tsh in a crisis, then t!iie fly catcher' mnst retire from the public honey'"comb, return' to his lQgitimate den, there spread his web ofJ diBcount and diecontent, and be conte!it with hīs! prey a« a pnvate and we!l gorged gohlen spider. J