Nuhou, Volume II, Number 17, 23 Kepakemapa 1873 — Bravery [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


We havc becn twittcd eomewliai ou accoipt o; onr m«3tion cf the' prcsencc of '• ljravcry," |eome comment« upoA eius!c; aa] tLc wonJcr I;;;|been cspressc(3. c.s i> w!icrc It ls to l<o fouiua i: : this oommiiDity. T}e bcg to say, that tho 'allu'fion rcfcrrcd to hai refcrcucc to a fjrcijjn, aL' cot to n domestie rcprcfoutat:ou of tl;c artieic. ! Still xve will not k>.j |hat the doincstic is al:o^etik: |laelfipg. w'>cn we «ihik of twcatj-two who bccauec " some oue liaJ lilunlcrcvl"" sco. |espoeed Vfore crencllated walls. dcfcnJLd nngry men ; mid who stooi! t!;erc rc::»iv " ■o>»ey ordcrs, cvcn if they l>rc'ke owr,crs; v,. ! perhKps thcy bave 'ilone anyi;ow, if tctal k. t; politienl ercdit emi '>rcak suc!i owneii.

i. fijr i-oliowiug the oi xuusio ;k iUie Uotel grounds bj tl;e Uawaiiau mUitaij :Uaad for Xhureday tfvciiiug ucst, wuuuoucing at eigbt o'elwk: i ° i i ratu IPf Maicb \ <AtV i; , Opcra. Nahicixlencscr «od inMercy pearOuc ?«ocr*,*. t : Alua rttliiolke Oliolu CQ4IVXIC ; ■ j ttt» , H S«vffic llouie S««ct llomo. Ponu)at Sonj, ! qrpUeus» eew.... 11'. ( 0a lis «eaaWul lilue »4B»Ih:, Waiu Sttd« s > j. Our iuusical &iei|ds wiii le |lcascd vvitli Uiii espoaa% ,\vith tbegcui of thc lkrl<r Ci uud ilous. Ij.c Mcnnycr's £ivcri:c t * Orflieus ei Couic and ill tlic Iholeeuiee, atd % fcc cvci; if sjui.lv4j sLouid ,'oe t!)cic, wīio ii uot ef jjur £eti.