Nuhou, Volume II, Number 17, 23 September 1873 — Impromptu Rhymes. [ARTICLE]

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Impromptu Rhymes.

\ iew gentlemen 3atelj asseßil}]ed od a p]eaBanfc *<nmg 7 werē amiTslDg themselveB m m excreise * wifc in the prōduetion of boūts rimes/'when M Fair hostess proposed aa aerostiek; and a ame being given. an effasion was to be produeed 'n ten minutes, Within tlie preseribeē time -■cveral eompositions were prod«eecl, ane! we give ne below to whieh a preferenee wae aeeorded 3 iot m aecount of its superior literary merifc, but n aeeount of its eamestness of espression. Our Fenkins bcing present has given us a rather free of this favoieil effusion in a Parnassian :.}Bipetition to <lo honor to the name of one— ■ >-lle parmi les ?>elles: . . j ACEOS!naiJE« / €harmante Jleur 5 a peine ee!ose Auras tu <ione 3 ton papillon ! Tes yeus disent plus chose : lelas l ion coeur dit toujours non Kn vain pc|ur une seeonde Kiver mon ame a ton destin Iseompris j*erre en ee bas momle N % osant jaijnais to dire rien r Et eependaint je t'akne bien, : — Par unāewu^. ChāmiDg bl6ori); wllt Ihou disclese \ beauteous se»t for n battafiy*s reposeV r hine eyes say mueh, that T cin % t read, Eow ean I hope with mine to plead ? Ster of thee soul must dream - Kesting it« hope m some slight gleam i eatch of love io my wandering here, Not daring in heart % s fmā j&ar Hver to lell how mueh to me thou*rt deai%

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