Nuhou, Volume II, Number 17, 23 September 1873 — Rumors [ARTICLE]

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Circujate and magnify with great activifey in tbe&e | islands, Whether owing to native with foreign improvementSj or to need of suffi-j cient occupatioD, or pther cauecs, we are not prepared to say ; but that a rumor without any foundation at all, (admitting always that it ie.oi a per- ! eonal character) ean travel faster and grow bigger' here than in any other eountry } is a fact gener-' ally admittedj and patent to our observation. Dr. | Hutchison muBfe have had ample aseurance of this,' for at one time rumor had him moribund, and the! next time killed him out-right. In respect to the! we will only say, that we hope he will have no woree enemy than idle rumor for many long years to eome. llis experience and true friendship to our native race qualify him tp fulfill his present official function w 7 ith eminent advantfehe eamtary condition of tho country.

HT it : is doubtfal whe!Ser tbe deatb of the Russian BCtiniSD } wLo was burlcd Friiaj wiis caused by coi)cussion of the brain. When springing from a height of onlj 4 or o feet into a depth of at least 4 or 5 feet 5 there ie hardlj airy daoger from striking,bottom. A post mortem esamiiiation of the skull of this man, did oot diselose the abrasion or eontusion of eealp ; but as there was some eoagulation of blood on the brainj andap engorgement of the lungs, theprobabilitjig that he was seked with apoplesj as he stooped to plunge mto the water. /