Nuhou, Volume II, Number 16, 19 Kepakemapa 1873 — "Master, we Perish." [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

"Master, we Perish."

[ i N ] l)riii ii? our goveniui|.*iitul [/olie^. Ihe Mim>te?ml offioe» of our vrill aeither maiu «sajl uor pull the oar. Thev drift aud eat imd eleep, like sometimes o|ur !ndoleat telauder> xī\xi do, ? iu theii boat uavigadji3, to our frequeut ukgujsi and vexaciou. But if a vviid \vuidarose ? oiu bopt;iicn \vere lhtit to iueet it; \vhereas whea ; mutiDjuB gole aro*e, tl}egoverumentai luwi^u: - kept tlieir berths; an<J did not move umil ;acs saw that the demon o(j the storm \vould nei l\ : i 1 - iid then these pwurdty meu wea; u» Ui Mi§tei\ who reposcd, and eried oiu; Mastci\ Mastcr. \\e IVrl«h." they \venied llim, w;.. neeiled aml Ile «jrose # aud tl;e Bt<irm was *tnied. Shfme ' 0!u ye, of -» IkiU aml no enpaeitji Aiusn\—The Band Will j% i tt Eiuniu %iau to-toorro\v afterDoon at * o'eloek w m Fol!ow i®g i* tho pix>gramuie UO4 BS4vt the Mmlu.; .Bcrsv; o\pt\ax% 04K44» Tiic iKUUpei.i 04 iV:ucc. .fkrr Thew Kn m Nc*r tm&Xa sa Far. .K<ūctea; A of !!«ppy T\mx\ Wali Bfck«tifca, o|^, w Ikm P&S^&H\ %% fkxil£e*:> Uv<pi «UKVlHieli} »F3m^ «3r" Wi hope aaa trust that t!ic p»iuTul ruui<.; ia w l)r. llatclŪ6ou, saU u» ha\c ooeie Iwu» l»ae u > fouD\!atk-u.