Nuhou, Volume II, Number 16, 19 September 1873 — Rev. Mr. Aubert's School. [ARTICLE]

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Rev. Mr. Aubert's School.

\\ heu at i,.ahaina ou tho 4tli iiiil., and during a lew hom*s staj, wo \yctc pre6eut at an jpation oi. tho rovcrcnd .geutlciuau*£ t?ehooi. lle j was assit>tod by t.hc Kcy, Fathoi* Grcgorj, anil tho Frcuoh Comwiesioi)cr and liis ladj» JuJgc\ l)iokonson and olhoi' goutlciucu \Yoro prc*scut. We sa\\ boigrc us about tscYoutj of thcnoatcst, cU\uicst and i33ost orJcrlj'youug ehilJroD \vc havc scou for somotiiwc in thoso islauds. Thej scouiod mostlj bot\Yocu tho agcs of and tcn, and about two-tliirde of thcm \\ crc i:irk. p Their rea<liugs aud rooitations xu Ki3glish \\oro \cij good, aud wo uiuift coufees \yo \\oudgxd a littlo to lieleu to goc>J (uot>vitliet&udiug eoiue to oouie froiu thc of pupil* whoee prcooptore Jo uot epeak thc )acguagc with pcrjfcct puntj. Eut it 1*

■ quite reascnablc, and o|* fiequtnt oeeui-ienee, thai ! a foreigner of imperfcct may Le I master of the uf a languagc fureign tj hiin, and at the same tijme be able to impart very j correctly its grammatical principles tu pupils , j whieh pupils are not likely Vj retain or imbihe an;incorrect inaemueh as they wili | mingle in an £nglish speakiug community. The :pupilsof this school certainly prunounced ptue, j an|l not broken French English. : \7e cannot help buij wondcr at the i=clf saci;i|ficing devotien of these men, the teaehers ; who arc without salary or |fee, and partake of no socidl consequence their fellow men. They work hard 5 and do not ppare themselves; and we jwho have aniJtitions, |roperty, families, recroatioW\ social and havc all tLtwdrld before us for our entertainment, eaimU help lmt wender at thc hope reward th;:r thJ?so men who work axid walk su I:umbly ī to ! themselves. So far a* eare and tuitlon i.-' u !saving work, these fathers. uro real saviorii of poU j Iliwaii, whieh does not, and pei-hapa eamiut re- | ward theiu. ; i The Freneh Commi;sioner hesto\ved presonb npon the two most adv mced piipils s a boy anu u gid, »nd when the chi)dren werc spoken io, anl eneouraged in theii eourso of instruetio:u thyy jgaVc some li(\\rty eheers for their visiter-. i ~ :