Nuhou, Volume II, Number 16, 19 September 1873 — Political Meetings, [ARTICLE]
Political Meetings,
In whieh pablic qucstions, even of. a Yery unpop-! , ular chanicter, are discussed witliout molcstation, 1 are the HKlication of a people emincut]y qualified i for freedom of government. We have attended, i wiihin a fow months, convened and | a!most esc]usively attended fbreigners, in one ;of whieh annexation ū) a foreigngovernment,and j in another a cession uf Uawaiian Territory were j discus6ed. without causing anj hoetilecomi ment or action on the part of the native people ! who were the most concorned, and tho most to be |affeeted by such m«'as\ires. They indieated in | various ways their uttcr opposition to any eeheme !of politica-l SLiicidc ? but they never in the slight:est degree molcstcd this obnovious and wha: they jmight just]y eall ho>ti!e anel ki ineendiary " dis- : oussion. ! Bnt iatterly f of the native people propused 1 a ineeting to discus,s i!uj?ir obJcctions to Ministers ;and to*t the:r dcvjtion to the independence lof their country. It was a native proposition, and conteniplated >olely the discussion of nativc ! interests, and iuimediately our foreign quidnuncs begin to talkabout itas 4i ineendia|y," and may lead to disturbance.** They who are working a schemr hostile to native independence would no doubt try to promote disturbance in some secret way ; but let them take care-~they have had a fair and unin. terrupted ehaneo to say thcir say about alionating this <sountry, and now thosv who are determined to maintaii) its independence will say theirs at a proper time, and they will take eare of any disturberp. A meeting was aniioitnced lbr kst Tuesday evening at Kaumakapili Chureh s where ever so many political nieetings have heen hekl this year; and we are toM the Rev. Mr. Pilipo gave his con&cnt on Monday to use the buildmg; but on the day | following he withdrew hivS eonsent.