Nuhou, Volume II, Number 16, 19 Kepakemapa 1873 — Female Emigration. [ARTICLE]
Female Emigration.
ihe Government of Franee has «hippea li'oiii . ;arve' on ■ board the national ship the Fcnelon, -50 women and childreii j \Vlves atid rektive? of Communists, and send out to join their male pi\jc::etors in New Caledonia. The details of the arrangements for the aeeomand nourishment of these woinen and :hildren on board are highly interesting, ana 'iibit the thoughtful humanitj of the. Freneh G.ovrament in a eiy fuorahle light, The ; Government has given the most preeise ilrēeti<3GS for the berth room and personal aeeom:Qodations fof th women. They are to have ' :02e6 and milk īn the mornii)g 5 witli a eupp]y of a esh meat for. their meale> ahd this supply xs to" ;? e renewed jit the Cape of Good Kope. Fresh )read is to bc mad& every day ;< and tea and lresh ut|er feo be Bupplibd to those who may desiro— nd then ? a fh*t eli v 8 pliysieian and two Sifctvrs »f Chanty are to aeeompany th<. txpedition r\eafly ; the Freneh Government <?ould not take :iore paine to provide for a voyage of the ladies •md ehildrei>, that helong to the families of the aembers of their ilihistiy s than they do io pro■7!ding for the eomfbrtable passage of the relatives *hoee terrible inbondiary eommuniste, Franee wants to fbund prosperous coloiiy m :he ; add she is purßulng a wiee anA " umaoe eourse to cheoraplish the>esun. These vomen and ehildreto espeeted to reaeh Xoa -ea about the Jatter jmrt of September» so :hty nay be now huahands, fotheriy and ; rothers ? fmm whom tliey wefe seperated :imid ' 1 rror and distress during the bloody of May !ong in>d }»ppy days be w 0 '1 m n their oew home. I