Nuhou, Volume II, Number 16, 19 September 1873 — The Music [ARTICLE]
The Music
Of uur Iloiel Concerts makes our J>ao<J to its greatest advantage, The etillness of evenlug and the position of the Lotel balconj in re!spoct to the musie on the green uuder tlie umbrageouß algeroba and tamarind, like that of an aiKlitorium to a proscenium; ;ind thatour lauieseaneujoj the eweet renclering of Terdi, Offenbaeh; and Berger, ag tlioug!? thej >vere hi the stall of an opera house, where soelal intereourge heightcns the interest of the performanee } the ;;Promenade Ooneei-e" far more gratifying than the musie in Enima Square." Ic6terday evening we \vere happy a$ \vc li<tcned to the " Maiueehka," to Wine> Woman Song," and to u Strong F:\itli aud rerfeet Love," whieh lntter remmded u$ not onlj of the duties of a€.over but of a Mimsttr to a King. Witb beauty and bra\crj 011 our baleony. \ve seemed to sit again aruid the glories of La &ala.