Nuhou, Volume II, Number 15, 16 Kepakemapa 1873 — The Thanks of the Country [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Thanks of the Country

! to Governor Dominis for his prudent 1 eon*or\ative eoxiduct, during the late mutiny, in not giving the ordtr to fire upon esasperated eoldiers, who weie burrounded bj a multitude of eompatrivts u-eul) to lraternize witli them. And thanks are due to Captain Guliek aud the Ilonolulu Kifles, and to >lajor Judd and the Oavalry men, who turued out promptly in beliaif ,of thepeiieC?of tlie eountrj\ Also to Marelwl Tarke aud hb v<ubordinates, Mr. Dayton Mr MeT)uff and otherf, lbr t!ieir eflbrts iu maintnming law and order.

Follovri»g is thc programmo of uiusic at thc llotcl groumL< tbe Iluwaiian militar^' Band for Thur?dny OTOiiing nost, coiuuicuoiug at eight o'eloek: U Qaeen Emnm March L, *. Ovt»rlucc " UalUuulaiiew ** * ]*./ * hXs Ru««lan Air,"Matu?>chka VLL.«_ Wint\ Wouian &tul &>n& ; V.?.7.7„Stxaus S P4ktii. * Choras anU eanioīio. o|H?rd, Troal»a<iour, «,,Verci Panmn 1 \k\ UwuUmo.....! .Offenbaeh 'f. u ll 4na IVrlwt L s' vc >" aew Gtov«t, liJl* i 4ll> 1 oIKiH i