Nuhou, Volume II, Number 15, 16 Kepakemapa 1873 — Our Cotemporary [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Our Cotemporary

The Comtiicrclal Aduerhser y that has hcretoforc treated the Ministers with great considei\ation. ha.s at last bccome so disgusted with thcir vae:illation and incapacity, as to iridulge in last Saturday's issue in the following very severe language: Seven months experience of the official rale of the present Ministry has served to fully eonfirm the opimon ēspreseed by this journal as to their fitness for governing, at the time they took their portfolios on the recommendation of a high offieial now absent. They liave proyed themselves to be eminently respectable, careful, ebnservative ar)d eommon-plaee ; and thev have clearly demonBtrated that they possess nohe whatever of the high qualities ef enterprise, shrewd discernment 5 origmality, tact, ; .prompt decieion and energy, that are all so indispensably demanded for the proper discharge of tfete duties of Ministers under j the Constitution; The verdict of public opinion | fs, that they have been weighed in the balances and found wanting. A proper recognition on their part of the signifieance of that verdict, and a proper and tiniely eonsideration of their own dignity in tho piemibtb, Hhould induco them at onee to plaee their portfb!ios at the dieposal of Bis Majesty, rsther than risk the unpleasant poBsibility of being re<|uested to do eo by a publie meeting of the citizens,'"