Nuhou, Volume II, Number 15, 16 Kepakemapa 1873 — To Sugar Planters. [ARTICLE]
To Sugar Planters.
The prospects for our pJ:oduce in San - per last account| were not t/D6jurag*: Tbe stock of sugar and riee was in esces- of t!-; wants of the market fbi: six months to conje. Tfiis being the case we at a loss to kne\- t' e reason of iarge shipinecft6 etill going tli t direction. . Our sugars aj:e stored there at gio • expeusc 5 and when \ve t|ikc into consideratiy insurance and a of <jtber eh:v.g- - attached to the holding of sugars wlth no peet of an advance for many months t.> e-»u-':. that the sales lately recei|ved show less than f"v centa for our best grades, it seems strange t i..thafe | planters or their agents will continue 1 ship foSan Francisco such a state oi' tlaug~ Itis true, our business men should trj to si tain , our steamship line; but \ve see no go-: 4 -' reaeo!n why the planting, interest should be s:,l riSced for this purpo«e. VTq make these roajar , k - in view of adviees lately received frora sydut3 and We haye seen private advke> per Magellan whiqh \varrant us in that ;our second or mediu;m. sugars in bags viinet the plautcr iui>ie in Auek!and than the Nj, i. cr ehoiee in kegs> wili inj San Franeiseo. of our uiolasset sugar in mat bags we:o made at such rates as to net cents : and eoi respvjjnuents taere say, •* pend all sugars in m. bags, being preferred to clther kegs or lui'L-.; hagsr In,shippmg to |Kew Zealand ii sū:r!' be borne in mind, tiiat i|one is required fo: iining purposes, and as tipe is only a small sumption for the dark gijades ; it would be wel. in making up a for Auckland to an assorted cargo of ali pur grades. *\Ve endeavor in so doing t_> gain the favor of a market , and iuspire eoniklenee ia our alnil:v t supply all their \vants in ;respeet to our Melhoume and Sydney| are large marke:-. ul. the refinery interest is well represented at poims; but our dark i3jiolasses sugar atv n.: deemeJ desirable or profi|abte by their reline:.v.v Still as there is a demani for a coarse l i.wi sugar in their baek eountry» \ve ean huvo s.. outlet there as well as New Zealatul 1.: lower as weli as our best grades. Fn>ui £50,000 to £00,(3|00 eau L»e savcu by u . yearly in paekagps. Ihe larger f aiuounts has aetually beeu thrown ;iway iu expense of paekages this year. 1L our j:rop been put inu» bags, and even se:: Siin l raueiseo and soldouithe wharf there a; \ve ieel eertaiu that the rvfiueries w.ul; j more for u tkuji tue will uect j momhs of delay\ | j Our advke thea Ui planter* (treai\ i. j Uea^, and \ve dou't thiuk jou will goc J the proposevl basis), for iju agent of tlic jtogojtoSan Fraueiseo uiuke (iu to that portio|i of your erop you au j l>oun|l to seud thero), wi,th tlic resiienes % % to vU | liver yom sugavs at the wliarf l:ero, oae at 1 ?ran{nseo. §uch au atraijjemeutcm bc efevtei, 1 yov: ean get a fl\ir ptiee yeur t;
packages, commissions } insurancej cartage, Intri est on cliargei?, cooperage, &c., and instead of getting returns in six montbs you ean in thirty days: Never mind what tbe San Francisco eommisßion merchants maj saj. Those fellows opposcd your treatj before, and have no more bowels of compaßsion for our Hawailan planting prosperitj than an empty Bugar keg. Unless you pursue some course like this, you cannōt make San Francisco a prdfitable market, without a treaty. Evēry few yeafs, our staple on the coast touches violent extremes. Our* sugar is occasionally up, but more usually down. Advance only serves to demoralize the market for years; and when gold advances, San Francisco imports siigar from East of the Missouri to the detriment of our st'aple. And we must mention that the port and other charges of San Francisco are out of proportion tō those of other commercial -emporia. We think in conclusioii that the interest of our plailting friends ean be improved 25 or 30 per cent. in the way we mention. That is to eay 5 let the San Francisco refinery have about three-fifths 5 or say 15,000,000 pounds; Sydney and Melbourne, a little over one-fifth, or 7,000,000 ; and Auckland the remainder;or 4,000,000 pounds; and let those markets know wliat they may expeet, and arrange accordingly t