Nuhou, Volume II, Number 15, 16 September 1873 — Ministerial Veracity. [ARTICLE]

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Ministerial Veracity.

" We ave authovizcd bj llis Majes?ty's* Ministers to BiiT, that tbe report in eireulation tl>at one or uioreof His MajestyVMinistei\* haveasked for foreign intervention, or have req«ested llis Majestv to eeek ior toreign aid, or that anj perāoii ha\«iag authority made such request, is uttci'iy untrue/' We copy the above deoiaī from the A(frirlhcr oflast Saturday ; and it ako iu the Kuvkoa (native paper) in the English as well as the Ilawaiim language. ltf manuei* of pub!ieation and wording evidently iudiaites an undigni{ied ansiety. Why should Ministers in tliis iustanee takesuch pain§to deny a %i report [nc*ireulatiou/ r wlāeh they iiave uot dot\e before? They have herctofv>re iae retieenee of oilieial digjiit\\—even to the extreme of au owlisli silenee. But rsow they !sasten to deny but only that they requested II & Mojesty to seek for foreign aid/ * On that point it will be iwpossible to dispute, beeause it wouhl be iiuprbjK t r to seek royal testimony oti the bubject; but that 4t cwt' or \nore of llb Miaii>ieis/\did intiuiate in a eertaiu quartev the probable ueed of foreign aid during our late ■ mutiuy, and \vlth euoli efiect, that a foivigu sliip vvas k\l to expect an offieial ivquest. and has rea?on $ti!l to expeet it is a lact,, eonfirmed in various \vays, in\d gener;\tly and beHcViHi n\ Hy this eommuutty. Thc wete ivady to give up t!ic Ilawaiian tesscl of state, and to $\ll upou anothcr! oue for help. But the IL\*vaiian Captaiu tUougU pr.ostrate iu hh eaNn iike thc gallaut Laurcus ouJ tiie Cheeapeke eaid» ,4 dou't givc up tUe % NV\v wUat inust Ue of llis oseers, wlio

! ehkkei» and kcpt bchw anild thc *tor:ji of *-att'i and''with blenched fnces would hove : foreign flag over His and their I»eads ? Let īiii,, .. ifHeiBa King ; and Ile is every ineh, wit ! ; t' r recognition of the c*ivilized world t.> back IIir:. His seat in thl* nrchipdlago, ha?e men ur:ur<* Him, woo will be ready ;to stand hy lli- Loiio: and }f need be to risk Hfe in upholding the they have sworn to Buētai|n.