Nuhou, Volume II, Number 14, 12 Kepakemapa 1873 — THE SUCCESSION [ARTICLE]
ls a subjcct whieh we are not going to disbut since om\ two emineatlj r respectable Englisli weeklies have favored the puhlie wi"th 'their"views and recommendations upon ihe. subject, we 'will simply say a word fo recall their attention to llio Plebiscitum of Pcc.ember 16thj 1872, whieh tliey botli so cordially sustained, and whieh somewhat exfra-constitiitionally served most notably to establish the principle 3 that in the event of the demise of a Hawaiian King, the Hawaiian People then resumed their sovereign rio*hts to elect the Chief of their ehoiee to o the Throne 3 His Majesty fully accjuiesced in this principle. Ahd perhaps in view of rhese facts it may be, if not an im.pertinent,. at least an unnecessaiy.intru.sion npon the attention of His Majesty to l;>e <lin fhe qnestion of the succession."