Nuhou, Volume II, Number 14, 12 Kepakemapa 1873 — "Whitney's Daily Marine Bulleting. [ARTICLE]
"Whitney's Daily Marine Bulleting.
j I ■ f WEDXKiSDAV, Sept, I<J. I i 4 * ii thc object> ot publishing the burles«»uing ) inliammatory report cif the mutiuy at ih yesterday*s s«m-vfeekly (th»' Naioi) v.\is ; dncour«gr. the i»mtintei>\ it lnv had iiV AuAil'l effeet. lt is said that cupii_'s the | ap<*r <tireulated among theiu, and if it aMoa ia < (fouraging tliem to d|fy the KingV - li-H : It remains with pro}3erty hoiaer.s t-j -ay K.w j such. incendiary pubjlications shall he |INo man with property at ean be indiffer-n: I in thiB matter/- | 1 The above was wriiten and plaeea uii h:s buJktin board, hy an who has been regaru-d h\ thi* eommmūty for nlany years. as pre-emlne;nt!v in "mcendiary." Sf]ut we never k. 'We don't l>elieve hp will cver *et the PaeiO. yeean, or anythin<* ehe ou iire ; alth<jugL jiedoei> his little l>est to raKc a iow 5 aud gec up\ Now he like toget y..»u p'epeuv fellow* to olean us out ? llc want> ij knew luv. bng you are going to' fī tolerate " u<. ilnnk *?e ean tell him, Juet so !ong as a i?a!tryj u:, principled King liave the control of thit? iment, that haek and, lill without pluek -jr >ei;>; th»t job out the puhlie printing to a fu jgtema», that dieW in «n\h ;!■ of tlieir pf}nt*\ tlmt wam il. and betn\y |lie Kin&, and thai have i:-i gOt the grk to quiet tue rowi? that theii lu!lH.'ciltb |Or may efoke, W}teu thut S |broken up» and ita return to their &u--cient piFtnres then ijr oorselvos \vont - the Nnioi- any !ongcjr, and we wlll go audbab v :, 'amid onr own green It remams wlt!i :u, jof eeme to hovj long that Fung $ (whkli |dutlēs ihe is to Ik- ts>krated.
!HT admin\bie aik! ]ojul hmd iva\ ūu alo $ester\3t\y # anJ \\cut rusliiii£ it, Ttv >\cre HuU t!:c eo;-net$g*: corncJ 4 t?ic h'omKnie aKw pkk wl;tte oas<oots> vvlio ihe ai.u £0 te';ro \\\\< eoueeii ,ii ;?ic |Iote! Jfstorl»j cvei:?«g, 'm: mc arv io it wm t«*ko th\s ;mJ wH! ivrfcru ttw o? uuim'o a-_p*»t>lishcl o» .