Nuhou, Volume II, Number 14, 12 September 1873 — The Czar's Day. [ARTICLE]
The Czar's Day.
Tlie •• name day,"'ov patron Saint's day of His Imperial Majcsty ol' all tlie Rusgias t!ie Eiuperbr Alexander wae eelebrated in līonolulu yosterday by royal galute at. noon from t)ie l>attery on Punchbowl and TT. T. M. S. ā.koM. The U. S. S. Portsmouth, that has no i?alutiug battery, wae decked all over wi!h her full g ala suit of b«nting, witl) t!ie Ruesian ;uid Ilawanan flag* in thc p!aees of honoi - .
i- BT Flatterers ate, )ike the lielioU'ope; t.hey 9pen only towarde thc eun, but shut and eontiaet themselveB in eloudy >veather. Epaulettes\>riginated in tue time ol l.juis XIV. of Franee, iVom the iibbon by whieh the eword l>elc was kept fuet. ou the shoulder. . 3F* Markel. —'ihe Kuolou says ihui oui' suggestion will bo soo« acted upon, aud ijiaj'ket houee cßtablished. We hope to. Among t!io ineide>its of llie Mutiny, Ilnee of the beleaguering Cavalrjmeu were .*eut !o reeounoitre; and as they rbde uear tle walls or tlie barraeks, tliey were lialle\l by tlie # beseiged, wlio wanted to inow, ir t!iey llawaiitius would %ht their eounti'ymen, wliieli beiug denied, they werv invited to aligh!, they enteri\l Hie barraekf , atid had a goo<l fe«d of fish an(t i>m. !■ / '