Nuhou, Volume II, Number 14, 12 Kepakemapa 1873 — "The Power Behind the Throne" [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

"The Power Behind the Throne"

Wlio is he? VV ho is the toadjr and the traibor, —who as hc sajs, boree the royal ear 4i dailj "īn order to pcrsuacle Him into'a mensure that i< to destroy thc Throne? Ha! lis not the Ring ehowing the cloven foot? llow tbe sjcophantB, who have no heart but fbr dicker, would prancearound tlie rojal dais with smirking, iawning liekepiiUe attitudo; and then \vould try to L'ek the chair of Btate away frdm benoatb thoir proposed royal victim! But we doubt not the intelligonce ofll!& King awakenoii not only bv tliielloiiolulu letter to San Kruncisco we published yesterua^ } but by oehei* acts of pycophancy and treachery, aud we pray the Kiug of Kings to ]iave Our*s io lIIs keeping. and to savc Ilim from the fake hearted toadyj the liekepittle r the traitor/ the bore, and all other unelean animal*. sucīi ae infcet cvery court, lobby, or antechamber in the world, and are' 6spccially abundant heiv, out of all proportioiī to the fewness of the people of the land.