Nuhou, Volume II, Number 13, 9 September 1873 — Splice the Main Brace! [ARTICLE]

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Splice the Main Brace!

jlf you iiave got anyjthing to epliee with. 'ILe . na.tionar backbone «eeds to be bplintertd, ui i Bpliccd in some way. £ver &incc tlie interdict jand tabou of rum in |heie isles, some what pvei j thirfy ycars, the populatiou hae declined j Fiiry Thoisaxd. Perhaps the taboo on tobacco j part of the time helpeii to bringabout this deplorj able iesult. What is,to be done? L*ook at Javu, j where the red people pavc from time immemorīal ; freely ui•dnui;ictured airaek. a . su;ong aleoiiolie j spīrīt fvom riee and nipa palm juice, aud have inj crca»eJ dtuing F.uropean domination from two to ,fifteen million*. Thpn look at the I'hillipipe; j vfhere the same red pcjaple have been mauufaetiuj bi|rning water, and yet havc i incieased o\cr tiace they got ihis jk:»owledgc from GOO,OpO to 0,000,000. And just j tnink of the Crccīis iind Lherokees, onee iu : Cieorgia aud South Caruliua, and seen by us, in j o.ur boyhood, aud knopi tu iiave uistilled aii tiie | c P rn w! 'iskey that thcy wauted; just eo Uiiuk tkat j tho?o red Indians who, uuee were ii-ee to fam unu i distill as they pieascd, shouid have turiveu and j increased, evcn in their new iiome aeros« tk. j 3pssissippi, whilst the savages of eiie plams tc j whom tbe ardent \vasj tabooed as mueli as possii ble, havo iapidly deCjlined. Iu view of ail this j tcll us whieh jlestroys, taboo or license' j gei our \vith yoiir stories ol Uestruetiou o. jraces by ruui. It is vour taūoo, andyoursumptj uaiy ī uud iuiringements of liuiu.ii: jliberty imposed by yipur cold, dyspeptie, aseetic i «nenjoyable natures jthat dcstroy. Stoji yqu: | eānting ery t!iat you iy-e wiih aud for the nativc jraee," on any ouestioiji, whenyouare ready to seli , from iuiilei- the feet ijif thellawaiian his iiauve shore*. W e are true friends of Ilawauau iuctease and indeivndeuco, and if jou have not,w, ntive the stomacu to splioe tlie main braee of Jla \taiian indepeudenee >vith rum or ;uiythiug el«-