Nuhou, Volume II, Number 13, 9 Kepakemapa 1873 — Annexation of New Guinea [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Annexation of New Guinea

I lly (i'roat Britain lias bcea annouaced iu v;uious ! ways for some joars past; auJ is uot wcll authentieated event, It is a mistake to saj,-, that the Outch ncver Ikhl '-an idea of taking ibrmal powwiou of it." Tbey *>tub]isiied alortandfi<;t- | tlemcnt at Oeteu;ita in Tritou Ua* in tlw |Sonth lntitudo in IS2S ; aud forwei othcr sotUeI mpntB: aml in ISSS, seut Uw war stouuer Etm !and hoisted thcir flag in llumboldt I.ay. ' f<nmd i\>al thctc for the supply of tlie sfc«aer. Bomo c\3itort?„ who are uothing but a pair of |e.eis?ors, elip out auythlug they liud iu j)ruit, «uid palm it on to their as ue\vs. Miue tcutlis [of ncwepujvrs are mcre re-eohoes of or l faK'> information. Xew Guiuea or Papua, as we prefer to eall it, lving a iutivc uauie, is a laudof marvelloue natuml \vealth. We tried to fouud a uieie, aad as a got wrecked i-• - .