Nuhou, Volume II, Number 13, 9 September 1873 — Pro Misericordia! [ARTICLE]

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Pro Misericordia!

t]oi- iiity'e sake, good people,.Uo not say auything mofeabout the proposed treatj, and cessioD of Peari Barbor. Do not disturb our Uttle game. Just think—tlie " higheet iūterests " and the " prOßperity "of the country are involved; whieh i8 as General Taylor eaid that " all the world," and tbe " rest of mankind" are eoneenied in thie matter. And then besideB, it isthe "firm eonelueion of the ilini6tere; (although, bj the way, one of tbe firm is opposed) aud a " pyoper respeet for thc King," ehouM siot allow jou to critīcīee any noodle who may have got tnto office around hie royal person through iutrigue, or an overweening elique inAuenee, whieh we all understand. Therefore do not talk; and if you have not got any hu6h money now,you are going to gct some by-and-by. So keep mum, and as iu the case of euspected crime, you dear poople, arc |ie(|Uebted to " suspend your judgment."' You j think that treason and national parricide aie, or ;about to be perpetrated; but do not let loose |your wrath, or s;ty a word, until you see an evert |act, until tlie thing is done, aud you have got thc ! riug in 3'oui' nosc, and the yoke on your neek. jlt is true, it may be then to.o late to kiek in the traces, when you are irrevoeably liitched to the eession ear ; and it miglit be better for yotti- iiuleI pcndetiee to buek a little, and let your snort of ! protest go ou the wings of the wiuds, aud re-eclio from peak to shore; but do not do it, dear Ilawaiiau, beeiuise that would spoi! our little game. We are in debt, and chiefly in debt in San Franeieeō : and so we must knuekle to the influeuces on that side of tlie water. We would rather send all our eugar to New Zealand and Austealia; but we are tied, and tlie to wliom we uro tied want this treaty or "sometliiug morelikeit therefore we say, for pity's eake, keep quiet! | Pro msermrtha, I)ominc, dimUtc nolns <kbUa i nortm, sicul el tios dimitti mus dcbiloribus nostris.