Nuhou, Volume II, Number 13, 9 Kepakemapa 1873 — Mr. Charles Nordhoff, [ARTICLE]
Mr. Charles Nordhoff,
■"\ • 7 ' Our pleasant literury acquaintancc of many years gone by, has left ue. He is a ready and vigorous ■writer, and has dcservedly won some fame. We knew him when 'he took the plaee of that ripe seliola'r, George Ripley, at the ilarperB' establishaent ; aod aleo knew liim when he was a power in the Everiing Post cstabliehmeut; but we feel tliat he has declmed from his old accuracy and vigor,in trea,bmg of these īslands. Uis misformne was to fa!l into thc hands of toadies and '"he nmtual admtration society as soon as he ar- ; i ved «ic, and Jie never got out of thcir clutches, «tid ēo ne Jias to pay for such a smother, of attcnfion by some white.was!)iug aud some slavcr of a ■]iilatioū morc tliōn lie honestly feels; and this has had the effect to cause him to be negligent *tbout ,his fāets When w.e reflecfc on the inaeeumcy of liis stateiiients about thc islands, it causes question the value of his stateuicnts about > alifornia, B«t he ie a book niakcr, and plentiful adulation lands and people of the Moldeo State, so gHuly for praise, aud that huve h»xn so mneh overprais(.d, would stimulate iuany >l i»yerp of the book, but say \vhat he woulil' Le • '«hiW nct' hope for moiv than a handftil of purbasershere; and'eo he hae writtcn al>out us in i wgligent a»d fiippmt way to suit the tasw of 'n'e toadies bere, and is a good deal out of tke way cven when tepcakiug of the toad!ee aud tlie! uitua! admiratioii soeicty. Ile lias tickled thciu,; iad then turned out to tiek?e liimai his^>.X'ptioi),' <st Friday evei)ing