Nuhou, Volume II, Number 13, 9 September 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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: A FASHIONABIE DRESSMAKER ; SAX FRANCISCO SOLiCIT 4 THF ' PATRON A <3R OK THB UITKf. 3?attei*iis of tlile Latent Styles! i or sale lo send by post at 60 cenrs e&et icU HAWAIIAN HOTEL, Rv.n.- " time-table of the STEAMER " KILAUEA September t arli Konit 2ftrh 1 ... NawHiwili j: -f:-. - : ---i I ■ : r" : *Uv " f->-September — . Hslo October 6tit . - ....Ko«k October 1 atb.......... ~..,Jill® October 20tH " Kob& October 20th — Circuit of Kauai Nov£ttib*i* 3<! ~ ..... J.,......... ...V.. ...1.. ..Hii© ItF No CrcuV: for p ri »agir Mcntv. T\-ke:s a'. lie OfS ;•. only. Not responsible for &-n|,y freight or packages, unless receipted for. j SAMU£i. G. WILDEK. se'o Ac?o*. THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL ! Ai. HERBERT. : : PROPRIETOR. ■ - j:. : T1 has become 1 the! iiivst pupulav activation 1 this city. It is the one, which lec.iumends umost to the favorable ponsideranen ji straßccrs. expression of surprise tjo End so large, so degaiu, afcd such a well appointed Ilutel. It cost a sum, but it is well worth the money. The chvu projectors and promoters cf the building weu blamed for having erected such an extravagant* v lai'ge editke > but befoiej;* year has expired since was opened it is frequently found tv be too small u accommodate its throng of gu »:<*>, the fnvpr.otCjir is About to erect four stuja-ceiit -cottages t\ the demand upon iris hosphali: v. The building is lighted w;:h 1 be Room is a spacious noble hall, an ] c.:n <eut at table. The parlor is furnished \ery and has a superior toiled plain- u r the tu:e;U4i meat of guests, There is a Billiaid S.u<.ou p:otided with three Sthrale & Co/s paten; cushk-'u table*. ThJ* T>ed-ro.nrs are n!l furnished tresses, and t&steiul sets of furultua, \\l;h ,u.-l warm, ami shower baths ( attached. Travelers from all partfc of the world who ure ius* brought here iu comfort the commodious sbiWs of the -Xustralian lire, s;n* uicrc ;5 iio house <i jiublk r euieruiumoit ;L\ mifio coast* or in the British Colouks *fc;di tus--. passes m point of coiuffrt nud the Lett WW are no extra charges for vvnvc>ai;ce .1 beiweea <iCeAUicr and llotvl iu c^Ln^ afid Bo f>r reiu,yd d ! 3: i. Charges per Daj, $3.00, \" Moatk. if ptvges ChirO.OC.