Nuhou, Volume II, Number 13, 9 Kepakemapa 1873 — A Hen Roost at a Reception [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Hen Roost at a Reception

' May be considered a ridiculous 6tatenient . ' ! for all that it is a fact.' At the Kordboff Tecepti<; | list Friday eveningj a' respectable old fannly v I hiele drove up to the Hotel entrance, rind depv ) ited its respectable butthen ; and īn all this the: | Was nothing to attra<jt eepeeīal attentlorj 5 uiUi* eome of our young lioholulu hoodlums. who wer Ifctening to the brifJuint band on the green 5 eerveda remarkabie <?rest upon this fa mIIv ee: veyance and called attention tr> it with a liveL i Auwe y he moa ka *99 Why, ther<e*B a ehieken f ! And sure enough, thfcre on top of tbe j chariot was an old hen. who had been accustoiaej to that broad perch under the old and j unafiected by the turjn out 4 the geariDg up, an- | the jog from the hopiestead to the ha ! j kept ber perch and maintained her privllege <_■' j roost whieh began when that chaviot was [ Like aguardian faītlitul to a tru«,i j i Sodoth this hen maiptain her aiieiem ro< j Let fasUioa eail her njkiātre»s to a hop I Still holds she her perch upon the tu^y% | Unmiiwllui of the jolisjor char«ge ofweal?ier ! i She keepa her roost Uie ruJ!le of a f j ; And oniy moves ul the dawa of Uay> | Whea she comes down for a scralch ai>.t t, L.«v» .. ;,