Nuhou, Volume II, Number 13, 9 September 1873 — Music of the Kitehen [ARTICLE]

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Music of the Kitehen

6urpaiībes the musi|e of the purlorj—mucv, . - vre delight In thelattei| llow weean eharme ! by a waltz ; but its melody wc>uld t)n!de on our ears if we had mlssed our eustomarv !r--of mutton, therefore the pot and the pan go fore the piano*ln our plan of humuri; and pecially feminine aceoi|npliehment Give us a:: » or anthem, my de*ar, from romanee or onitorleif thou canst (and if tliou eanst not we will ],v • thee none the less); but first of all, scrve r,s fro,. thv dainty adorable hand of slender tar>ei::_ graee, with a ehoiee e!hop. It will feod our r - manee and our deTOtiori to thee; but if thou giv< -" us| only tlirills for our how ehall we glve thp thril!s of our hcart, whieh neeos for b. healthy pnlsatiou thejblood of !ambs. Ah, iv Be:iuty, the simmer of thy p»:»t of legumes } an * the fry of thy omelette in the pan, will enhau. • thjy charms, and will be| tender musle to a hngu ī ing soul, as mueh as tlio plairstive tvarMiir v " ithough thou art ne«(r yet thou art far " lx near us indeeil, in the | melody of the parlor> v lot us lose ouv heart it| the ?trams of " tbou ha&t any of his wiiehery at thy £ngers* but rather iet us lose! paln, eare ? a::: the fangs of an ever raveulug wo!f, iti the suvor, sueeuleneies of thy lar<Jer. And if perehance, w" aite happy with the uiseourse of the of the parlor, or whea |abroad with Uieeon mov' lit eves» with the higher musle of sphev it ehall be that we t>ha|l enjoy suo!\ hour of Ihw' i itude after we have shjm\l wlth thev of the fru!; of thy deft and prctty! hands ir the jxrfotuiav. - o| th® musie of the kU^hen, «