Nuhou, Volume II, Number 13, 9 September 1873 — ARMY EMEUTE! MILITARY DISCPLINE!! First Blood for the Household Troops!!! [ARTICLE]

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First Blood for the Household Troops!!!

v Tlie quiet of yesterdaj\s Sabljulit ai'ternoon. was broken by a xow :in the Barrack£ About a dozen of our defenders were uncler arresfc lbr some insubordination ; and being Hke other br-i)ves liable to pilikias, tliey desired greater oeeoiunioela- ; tion than they enjo3'cd In their eiose (|uartere. Their-natural re(juest was sLemly refu*ed bv the drill sergeant in eommand ; on the score of striet niilitary discipline; and aggravateu huiuan feature souietimeg becomes regardless of law, the • Bivfiering prisoners maslied dovn the door of the guard-room with a eualn and Lmll, aud asBertcd their humanity, j At this juneture the driii .-ergcauc, a.< eommanding offieer,. appeared uii i!il- with ** an ' eyc to threaten and eoiuniaiiil,'" aiui with drawn sword in hand, he etsaye'r. to | ut ene iautineerc? undei wateh and ward onee iuui'e 3 and iu his cSoitb he made a whaek wiili his biade at one of! the men who returned a plumpei- with liis list on ' the burr ot the ear } and the ouicer at onee laidJ down hiB sabrc 3 aud hiīiiscU tou with tlie mutincer j on top gouging and t!irottmig hiiii. I3ut now j the Adjutant Ger|eral eame to the reseue, who! ordered out a fde of men io the riot; but| tliey.slmply defiled, and wouldii*t elmrgeworth a | cent,.an3 so ht Clnrged 3 and S ot a lam on the! snoot, whieh- laid out that hero in his gore.! Both c6mhianding otT.cei.> bomg hors de eomhai,! and having Bkcdaddl(.-d as c>oon* as they got a | ehanee» Thc Commauder iii our ('Overnc>r, wae then eent fbr, and as he itmyed he ; isuccceded witb a little gemil)lo lali; to quiet the | mutinecrs. The of War lieariug of all I this kept close hcadcjuartery at tlic llorse (JuardsJ on Klng Street. And when army poi was servedl uit, comparative <>rder wae reetored. J This account n% appear to bc some\, nat tinged i with irrevereflt humor ; but we dont pu>po*e to 1 joke about it, at M is a very aāair. If we ! have an anny, uul its di*eipline is to be iiuun-; fained, we know ;wlut t!iat means all over the! world, We have a Court Marsltal if we eau ' find euougli of otfeers not iu the emeuU eompe-' tcnt to hold it ? aiid there ean bo only one senteuee ! for a Bōldier, who 6trikes his Biiperior ofiicei, and ■ what inust it be when be shlkea dowi\ lusgenorai anditafi We shudda we toutcmplate a re-J Hult whuh we lum in military lands. Our lloum Ih>Kl troop formed into u liollow! sh-«quare , the eondemncd seated on their ooHHun | nnl the Adiutant (Jeneral vead!ng tt* tlieM\ the : v 1

crime andhis diftcomfiture, "Bat ifour "?oldiers M are merely employees under the Mastcr and Serl vant Aet, bobody hae anj iight to put theiii In duranee at will, and feed thera on hread aDd water; £jrHl so after all it may turn out to be onlv a poliee, assault and battery case. Alas ! how they fade away frouv our nīartial hopes »* all pride, pomp aud cireumstano' of g!o--rioue war. ,, So mueh fues and feathcr f»'»r our sixty" thousand dollarB, and so little g!ory : and no trophy or valorous record in all our wars, to be itiscribed on our battle flags tliat are to be preserved in the sacred fane of Fort Street, except the gore that a General has just ehed for country. And this glory is a trifle dear with leprofey and low sugars. Let us watch and }>ray.; DiBband our army. Stop the mountebank parade that only Berves to amuse reaī foreign officers. ! Put [ourseiyes in modest trim. Organize our; poliee force 5 makethe 'barracks the Station llousē. Be modest. Be courteous and dignificd with the; stranger ; and they, beho!ding our simple, enlightened, and yet unpretentions attitude wil! respect us and our independence; and no longer; Bpeak contemptuously of this ' f pin head king-' dom,r' and its pitiable flirce of an army. Our admirable and truly valuable Band is of! course eseepted in the above proposition to dis-! band the army. — Thc emeute has subsecjuently assumed a rather

1 serions character. The mutineers Bucceeded with- | Qut anj obstruction to drag four fleld pieees into J the barraeks enclosure, and plaee tlieni in posiI tion. What are our authorities al>out? What | are the King*s' Ministor good for, if thev are so j devokl of address, spirit of authority, and eourage ! |-as to permit this state of things? īt is pitiable! ! to contcmplate the weakinss anu imhecility of the! men who pretend to govem rhe eountry. I