Nuhou, Volume II, Number 12, 22 August 1873 — Nusser-ood-deen Shah [ARTICLE]
Nusser-ood-deen Shah
|IS|i:'-u chid of Turooii|aiis, Tartars/Kurds, A:aud and, a of other \vild tribe£, j\\ 2o are collectively ca|led a Peieian empixe , Inu ! whieh has little or np trace of the s:ock thac , crpbsed Helle6pont Dariu6. I>ritish j a gruit ueal to ahout the descendant of Shah ; iind are daz2led this orienI Majesty, and talk puinpoubly like our governpaper about his regeneration %4 of Pers|ia. B|it others talk in th|e fashion. Xhe 6ays. " lle hae sold a| monopoly of material iinpi|ovemenD to,Baron Reuter, and the political re--BiJlt will probably l>e yha: it bas been in Turkcj> aiid kgypt, very and a new ejwcu&e iei I €XMl,(,ns npon lht pioph. Tbe new desirc , f i ōrientnl potentatee to\go clr >cj is probablj 'uu I er!ror. for the Sovereigiji d_. not ret«ru culighteucd 1 but cow,xl - with their self-respeet dimiuithca. jtKeir energetie wastedl and their miuds iuSam<.. IbV that fury of despair and frennj of iaiuuioi;. I whieh, ifnll Lerantine recort -i-i 1 •- t !«**> <» -»« ->.o iof the melaneholm wHieh cods in dcst:oj in 5 ur leapneity for govertiuietit." " i I Some of our people |waut te persuade our Kiui tfi go t»broad eo a? to more fullj the or hin kingdoiu. aod the hopclessue»i of i;< |p*eeervatiou. Pwhape Ilis Majestj maj Ihul |Kfeuter fo Kvm hie goyemuieut and hiseouutr\. l and i»augurate a that will be •• a uen elieueo for csaetion? upoii his people."
t vv h- ; ~ :■ i ® a ruuior of u S^uucj j beiug eij>e<[te<i last Suuāaj- ? j i pe pre«llctiug |WavAlb, espcciallj .■i-&raj-,7.NL. I tc£ Xlic wifl bc isiuci oaee I iu j)f al>scucc e; ;ho Editor ou but thc full (iuartcr\> eouipleweui ei ! uiuubc« will bc furuiiīhc\l tj iubicribcrs.