Nuhou, Volume II, Number 12, 22 August 1873 — Street Names. [ARTICLE]
Street Names.
\V~c-.havc rathcr a handēomc littlc nioeh |jraised bj sfcrangerg, wifch Bfcreete and lanee whieh -&re all officially named; but we see no eign hoards. Une stranger asked us, if a ccrtain street tvas not :alled Beaeh sfcreefc; and he wanted to know if :he Palaee Walk was not called Forfc strcefc, and street Befchel streefc s and the hcad of Kaahumanu street, Prinfcing House Square; hemuee cerfcain prominent buildings suggested all "hese hamee. Mr. Minlster please to look up fche boards thafc are painted, and have some more i ainted; so thafc an adulterous gcncration fchat :alleth for signs, may see the wa.y ifc wants to go. Music.—The Band will play in Ēmma Square to-morrow affcernoon afc 5 o'eloek p. m. Follow~ iDg xb the progranime: 'ara<3e March. ~Ziegler iSrand Duo, Opexa Elisand G!audio, new-. ,Moroadante Chorus a Opera Nibelungen .Dorn "glatine, Polka Mazurka.............................Zik0ff c :lection, Opera Fra Diav010..........................Auber v rgers v Pleasure, P01ka.... ........................Strauss