Nuhou, Volume II, Number 12, 22 ʻAukake 1873 — A Malo [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Malo

! Rcprcscnts aboriginal of co*tume; and is uscd to symbolizc thc prc discovery eoudi- ! tion of thc people of this Archipclago. It īs id ! thnt somcbodv has reeomniended. that wo return j ~ 3 !to that pristine pcriod, when līawuiian h\dics cotnbined thc manuractmv of eloth, and tailoring nmong thcir mtiHif:uious dutics ; and that eaeh one Hc ?upplicd with a malo; and in conscqucncc, our rcspcetaWe journaU arc great!v exer- ! ci?cd in rcspcct to thc doni\ing of the scauty 'u/j c?trv. Who Baid >\)? \Vc have it i«? true the i » ! help of a Malo in dressingour uativeNuhou; but he has nothing to do with thc of thc fbreigncrs, whieh is thc cspectal duty of our Shepherd; nnd h* eays tjc ncvcr propo?od anj sueh s of ctiqucttc in modcm costunK\ Some of ! thosc men havc got thelr m\nd? rathcr i chu?e<f on this fuhject. Now we want to tno>v I who i8 thc malcvolcnt malo who for usto wecir a malo. jy We hope t.\ reeeive Australian at a y raluatiOn of fufo dollars ! ■ f