Nuhou, Volume II, Number 11, 19 ʻAukake 1873 — The Meeting at Kaumakapili Church. [ARTICLE]
The Meeting at Kaumakapili Church.
\Vhick wa* ::ddrcsse(i by Ilon. J. M. Kapenu on cvcui»g inst, was well atcendcd ; thcrc f bemg fally 1iftecn !uvndred people prcsent. The addrcss whieh w;?s moderate in opiniōn, and diguiBed in tone was well reecived hy the Iarge audionee : :espcci;\ii\ r the sp0aker's views in opposition io the ( 1 ession ol' PeaH Ilarbor, whieh were rc,;eived witli appiause; and left no uoubt as to the detemjined sentiment of the nauve peopie of this towu. not to consent the proposed Cession —Verhum sap — , ■ A lady onee said lo us, shr dki'nt o!yeet lo a good iooking gentleman, gazing ar iier iu tlio street; !>ut it did inake her mad t when"s!ic looked oaek, to sec him look haek too. ;Sp' A sewing »eiety. (>nc that. so\vs dis'cord } i>y saying a \{ more than is kiiowii to bea faet. ' : /